Chance didn’t wait for her to reply and stormed off. It was well and truly done between them. She still wanted to believe him but wasn’t sure she did. It didn’t matter though, it was over.
“You can’t go in there like that,” Maddox said to Chance.
“Like what?” he snapped.
“That. You’re being a dick.”
Chance leveled him with a glare. He had every right to be a dick. His whole life had been torn up by that woman in a matter of a few days. Everything he was imagining for his future was ruined by her lack of trust in him.
“You can’t be serious, right now,” Maddox continued. “Get it together or this won’t work.”
“I am together.”
“You’re a fucking mess.”
“Let’s go.”
Chance got out of Maddox’s truck and headed to the fields. He didn’t want to be here tonight. Tori was going to be here and he’d have to act like shit was fine when it wasn’t.
How could she not trust him like that? Twice. A little communication was all she needed to do and all of this could have been avoided.
Maddox had stopped him from taking his anger out on their teammates last night. He’d been fighting mad and was ready to let it all out on them for those stupid ass comments.
“Chance,” Emmett came running up.
“Hey, bud.” Chance didn’t have to pretend with him. He loved this kid.
“Mom is sick.”
Chance looked around, trying to find her. He was mad but if she needed him, he’d be there for her.
“She’s not here,” Emmett laughed. “She stayed home. My dad brought me.” Emmett sounded as thrilled with that news as he was.
“Sorry, bud. Tell your mom later that I hope she feels better.”
“She’s alone. I don’t like to be alone when I’m sick. Dad told her it was because she made bad decisions.” This kid knew how to stick the knife in and twist it even if it wasn’t intentional.
“Don’t listen to what your dad says about your mom,” Chance cautioned.
“I hear him, but I don’t care. I love my mom,” Emmett smiled.
Maddox had be silent watching the exchange. “Go get with your group so we can start soon,” he told Emmett.
“I don’t want to hear it,” Chance cut him off before he could say anything.
Maddox laughed. “You need to talk to her again after you both cool down.”
“She doesn’t want to talk to me. She made that clear all weekend.”
“Man, she was just confused. Then you went and yelled at her instead of apologizing for your team. You can still fix this.”
Chance humphed. Did he even want to? She didn’t trust him at all. He was over here planning their futures together and she was treating him like he was disposable.
“Let’s just go get this over with,” Chance said.
They walked onto the field and were immediately swarmed by kids. Everyone was excited for the second night of the clinic. There were a lot less nerves tonight than last night.