Chance nodded and backed away. Without knowing, he’d screwed up. Nothing good ever came from that phrase. He hadn’t dated seriously much, but he knew this for certain.
“You good?” Maddox asked.
Chance shrugged. “Not sure yet.”
Tori cleaned up after dinner and got Emmett ready for bed. She was headed to Chance’s place to have their conversation.
It was Friday night, so she’d asked Leah over to watch Emmett. There was no way she could get over to him yesterday and now it felt worse because she’d delayed it.
Her frustration or anger had lessened though. It was now just her own fears over what Chance really saw in her, a single, divorced, mom before he told the world. Then again, he already had.
“You ready?” Leah asked with an arched brow. “That’s what you chose to wear?”
She’d gone comfortable in her favorite jeans and sweatshirt. There was no need to dress up to spend time inside. Chance wouldn’t mind, that she was sure of.
Tori nodded. “I don’t know how long I’ll be.”
“I am prepared to sleep over whether you are here or not,” Leah winked at her. “Maybe take an overnight bag?”
“I don’t know how this is going to go,” Tori stressed. “Taking a bag feels a lot like jinxing things.”
“You’re making a big deal out of something that will probably be a simple conversation. Just tell him how you feel and what your concerns are, and go from there.”
Tori shrugged. Her own head was a mix of feelings, and she didn’t know where to go or what to do. “I’m not bringing a bag.”
Leah was already in her closet, pulling out an ancient weekender bag that she’d never used. “You don’t even have to get it out of the car. Just pack one so you have what you need. If you don’t end up needing it, then only you and I know it was in the car.”
Tori rolled her eyes, but helped Leah add things to the bag, including clothes for the game tomorrow. “There,” she huffed adding her toothbrush.
She walked Tori to the door. “For what it’s worth, I do think he’s being genuine.”
“Maybe.” After thinking about it for the last two days as much as she had, she was torn.
“Go. Give him a piece of your mind and then have make up sex. It’s the best kind after all,” Leah shoved her out the door.
“Have you lost your mind?” Tori whispered as Emmett approached.
“Have fun, mom,” Emmett hugged her.
“Behave for Aunt Leah,” she reminded him.
Leah winked at Emmett. “Go. We have plans.”
Tori left Leah in charge of Emmett after one last reminder about bedtimes and got in her car. Chance was living surprisingly close to them. Only about a ten minute drive. She used that short time to plan what she wanted to say.
The problem was each time she started down one path she would find a way to contradict herself. It was hard for her to even decide what she was upset over now that time had passed.
To his credit, Chance had backed off and given her space. After the parent meeting, she’d texted him that she needed some time to think and they’d set things up for tonight.
He still texted her this morning to tell her Good Morning and yesterday she’d gotten a good morning and good night text. She appreciated that he’d respected her space while also finding a way to let her know he was still there for her.
Ellis had lots of questions for her yesterday when she’d gotten to work. Begrudgingly she had answered all of them since it did pertain to her work relationship. He hasn’t been upset of course, just curious.
A few of the parents, mostly women, had come by the office the last two days under the guise of needing something else just to talk about the team. It was beyond ridiculous.
Pulling up to his house, Tori pushed those thoughts aside and tried to focus on the task at hand. Chance shouldn’t have claimed her in front of everyone without at least talking to her.