Page 8 of The Wedding Ruse

Chapter Five

“Tell me the truth,did you really enjoy petting the horses? You looked terrified.” Tristan teased as they walked back into the bunkhouse.

“I was scared, but I did like it.” She was scared to death but made it through.

“Well, the stables aren’t something we need photos of tomorrow, so you are off the hook from the horses for the rest of the trip.” Winking, he pulled her to him for a quick kiss.

The kiss, well kisses now, had been so unexpected she hadn’t processed it still. All she had done was walk around in a happy daze with what she was sure was a stupid grin plastered on her face. Couldn’t make herself stop smiling, even if she tried.

“I should probably get dinner started; it looks like we have storms moving in.”


“You didn’t open the fridge at all?”

When she shook her head, he smiled and went to the fridge, pulling out 2 steaks, some salad, and a few other things.

“Oh my!”

“You get grilled steak for dinner tonight! Hope you’re hungry.”

“Famished. What can I help with?”

“You can get these on a plate to carry out and I will get the grill started.” Opening the door and heading back outside, she had to admit, this was a side of him she had ever seen before.

That thought stuck with her as she unwrapped the steaks and got them onto a plate. He had a few seasonings set out, but she didn’t know which ones or how much he wanted, so left it alone. Grabbing two beers from the fridge, she joined him out front.

“One for you.” She set it next to the grill. “Do all the cabins have grills?”

“Bunkhouses.” He shot her a grin. “And, yes.”

“That’s nice, so you can really get away from the city, no takeout or anything.”

“You okay with it?”

“Yes! I mean I love it here, wish I had cell service though.”

“It’s one of the perks that’s also a negative.”

“I mean it’s nice to be disconnected, but I feel bad, like I’m ignoring people.” Grace took her lip in her mouth again and gently bit it, something he noticed she always did when she was worried. Truth was, she was ignoring two very specific someones, that hopefully weren’t too worried about her.

“Tomorrow we will be looking at the conference center and there is signal there, we paid a lot for it, too.”

“There’s a conference center? What is this place?”

Tristan threw his head back and laughed. “It’s part family friendly and part corporate team building. It was a way to bring in new customers and it has been very successful, but it needs a little refreshing to stay that way.”

“That’s awesome.”

She was saved from having to come up with more conversation since he went to get the steaks. This had to be the longest she had held a conversation with Tristan in person. He hadn’t run off at her attempts to talk and it had been mostly casual and easy. That stupid grin was creeping back up on her face, but she was feeling much better about it now.

Tristan came out and put both steaks on the grill. The conversation continued to flow. A little about work, a little about life in general. Neither of them brought up the kiss from earlier. Grace was dying to mention it and ask what it was about, but for now was trying to convince herself just to go with the flow, after all that had worked out for her so far, she ended up here.

A rumble of thunder interrupted her thoughts and before she could register what was happening, the sky had opened up on them and rain began to pour.

“Go on in, I will get these finished and join you.” Tristan waved her away with his tongs.

“I will get the salad ready.”