“Plenty. It, ah… it has several bedrooms.” I didn’t explain that I’d specifically designed it with a bedroom and full bath for each member of the brotherhood and Kenji, plus an additional guest suite. Even though I’d told him I had money, I wasn’t about to explain that I was building a seven-bedroom house for a single man. It was ridiculous and extravagant, the only obscene splurge I’d made since buying the Bugatti for my brother.
I cleared my throat. “I worry that she’ll be isolated, though.”
Tully surprised me with a soft laugh. “Dev, we’ve barely been alone in all the time I’ve been here. Your life is full of people. Silas, Way, Jo, Way’s sister, that damned sheriff, Indigo or whoever else is helping out around the ranch, and every single person we come in contact with in town who seems to know who you are, even if you haven’t met them yet. I can’t imagine her growing up isolated in such a small town. Your friends wouldn’t fucking allow it. Even if it was what you wanted.”
That last sentence seemed almost to be a question, as if he was wondering if that was what Iwouldwant.
“I can see your point.”
I pulled off the highway and onto the ranch road. The familiar curves and dips welcomed me to the only place that had felt like home in years.
Tully’s features were hard to read in the dashboard lights, but I could see his bright eyes as he looked at me. “All she needs is security and love, Dev.” His voice was soft but firm enough to make me believe him.
I parked the SUV by the barn. My mind was twisted in knots, wondering whether I could simultaneously convince him to put his hands on my body and also continue to reassure me with his words that I wouldn’t make a horrible father.
Either way, I was grateful Lellie was up at the main house so I could have Tully to myself for the rest of the night.
But before I could fully exit the vehicle, Indigo was there, wringing his hands and stammering. “H-how’s Trigger? Please tell me he’s good, dude. I’ve been legit freaking out thinking he’s sick and it’s totally my fault. I?—”
“He’s fine,” Tully said quickly, hopping out and closing the door behind him. “It’s colic, but they’re treating him without surgery, and the prognosis is good.”
Indigo’s eyes shot between Tully and me. I could tell he was terrified about my response, but until I discovered whether his actions had contributed to the colic, I was withholding the loving reassurance Tully seemed eager to give him. Instead of speaking and potentially saying something I’d regret, I remembered what my father used to say and took a breath, simply nodding to agree with Tully’s words.
I could tell Indigo wanted to press me, but he must have read my body language. Instead, he turned to Tully. “What can I do to help? Just say the word and I’m on it.”
Tully glanced at me before answering. “You can make sure to check with Dev or Way before feeding any of the stock. Colic isn’t always caused by ingesting something bad, but it can be, so we need to be extra careful. Make sure you speak up if you see anything around the horses that shouldn’t be there. Trash, shoe nails, sand, dead animals or bugs… anything at all thatseems like it’s not right. I’m not sure the vet knows the cause yet, so relax. It’s not always preventable, even if it is caused by something he ate.”
I appreciated Tully’s levelheaded response when all I wanted to do was pin Indigo against the barn wall and interrogate him about everything he’d ever fed our stock. But I knew Way had already talked to him and checked everything related to the feed. There’d been no sign of anything out of place. Tully spoke the truth; it was very possible it was simply bad luck.
I scraped my upper lip with my teeth before deciding to put Indigo at ease. “Tully’s right. I appreciate your concern. Best thing you can do is help us keep an eye out. And get some sleep. We’ve got roundup day after tomorrow. Gonna kick all our asses, so be sure to get some rest.”
The kid let out a breath and shook his shaggy head like a dog who’d just gotten out of a pond. “Yeah. Cool. Okay. Shaking off the bad vibes. Gonna do some moonbathing before I crash. A buddy recommended it once for grounding before a big final. Crushed it, bro. Lunation, like, totally realigned me, you know?”
I stared at him for several beats while my brain tried to sort out what he’d said. Tully grabbed my elbow and steered me toward the barn. “Happy bathing,” he called over his shoulder.
“What the fuck?” I griped as soon as my apartment door was safely closed behind us. Instead of answering, Tully shoved my back against the door and kissed me, his strong body pressed fully against mine. His firm warmth covered me from neck to thigh, and his tongue invaded my mouth.
I was here for all of it.
I yanked his shirt up and over his head before fumbling between us to open his pants. “Boots off,” I ordered against his mouth.
The following thirty seconds were a chaotic mess of bumped elbows, the thunk of dropped boots, and the clink of beltbuckles, all interrupted by more kissing and grappling. I wanted to get him naked without having to take my mouth and hands off him.
“Bed,” I said at one point, which only served to spread out our shucked clothes across the space between the door and my bedroom. Tully tripped along behind me, hopping out of his jeans while simultaneously grabbing at mine.
We fell together on the bed in our underwear before yanking them off and groaning as our bare bodies finally collided.
“Fuck, you feel good,” he said. “You’re all muscle.”
His hands moved over my arms and shoulders, squeezing the curves and dips of my biceps and delts. His body was plenty fit, but I could understand why he saw a difference between us. I spent most of every day outside, moving and lifting, riding and wrestling large animals while he spent that time sitting and typing, planning and negotiating asset management.
“You’re gorgeous,” I admitted. “I’ve…” I stopped my mouth before saying something I’d regret.
He pulled back from where he’d been sucking on my neck. “What? What were you going to say?”
I sighed and leaned over him, brushing my hand through his short hair. “I’ve thought of you an embarrassing amount of times since we were together. I…” I took in a large breath before letting it out. “I stopped hooking up because everyone was a disappointment compared to you. I told you, that’s why Foster and I didn’t…” I shrugged.
“Devon McKay, you sweet-talking son of a gun.” Tully’s lush lips widened into a huge grin. “I can’t deny it’s kind of a rush knowing I cockblocked the sheriff.”