But I wasn’t in control, and my heart had happily leapt away without my consent.
What would it be like when Tully took it away again at the end of the weekend? When he moved back into his regular life in Texas, carrying my heart in his chest?
“Tully.” My voice croaked, and I felt the warm slide of a tear down into my hairline.
Tully lurched forward to take my mouth in his as he continued to fuck in and out of me.
I held him as tightly as I could and tried not to notice when my tears mixed with his.
We didn’t speak. The feelings were too much and words not enough.
When we finally came, gasping and shuddering in a tangle of sweat-damp limbs, my heart did something I didn’t know was even possible.
It soared as it cracked wide open.
Unfortunately, the following morning, it broke cleanly in half.
I awoke sated and happy. Tully’s arms and legs were wrapped around me like a spider holding on to a twig in a strong wind, but his voice was more like the hissing tease of the snake character from theJungle Bookmovie.
“Devonnnn,” he hissed softly. “Devonnn, wake up. I want to go see the babyyyy.”
For once, I didn’t agree. I didn’t want to see Lellie nearly as much as I wanted to see thirty more minutes of Tully in my bed.
“Still sleeping,” I grumbled, pulling him more tightly against me.
“You’ve had her every day. I haven’t seen her in forever.” Tully’s tone might have been whining if it hadn’t been spoken with a knowing grin. “Imagine if you hadn’t seen her in two weeks.”
“It’s been twelve days,” I corrected. “Not two full weeks.”
He laughed and pressed a kiss to my shoulder. “Was someone counting?”
I rolled him over and pinned him down before staring at his crinkled eyes. “Yes. Someone was counting. My dick was counting.” I ground down into him, our cocks already hard.
It took about three minutes of sleepy wrestling, kissing, and jacking each other off before we both came. Tully glanced over at me from where he’d thrown himself onto his back on the rumpled sheets. “I like your friends.”
I reached over and ran a thumb along his stubbled jaw. “They liked you. But I’m not loving the fact you’re thinking about my hot friends after you just came in my hand.”
His smile creased the corners of his bright eyes. “I seem to recall you giving me the third degree about my pretty new client recently.”
“Mpfh.” I tried to block the guy out of my mind, but I remembered seeing him in the lobby clear as day. “Hot and rich. I can give you one or the other, but expecting both is just selfish.”
Tully rolled over to straddle me. “You’re both,andyou ride horses. Lellie’s not old enough yet, but one day, she’ll tell you that’s the real jackpot. And she’ll be right.”
He kissed me quickly before pushing off me to head to the bathroom.
I imagined my daughter grown up enough to care about cute boys. The thought of it made me groan into my pillow.
Tully chuckled from the bathroom. “Shake a leg. You’ve got horses to micromanage, and I’ve got babies to cuddle.”
If he was offering to share the shower with me, I wasn’t about to say no.
By the time we made our way up to the ranch house for breakfast, Lellie was seated in a booster chair at the big farmhouse table while Jo made pancakes on a griddle. Surprisingly, Landry was the one keeping Lellie from throwing her cut-up strawberries all over the kitchen, but I also noticed Kenji was nearby, keeping an eye on both of them.
Tully went straight to Lellie. “There she is!”
When she saw him, her face lit up. “Tuh-wee!”
Zane put a hand over his heart and gazed affectionately at the scene while Way and Silas exchanged a knowing glance. Meanwhile, Jo turned to me and tilted her head at Tully as if to say, “He the one?”