Words remained unspoken as we got out of the SUV and made our way into the barn and up the stairs to Dev’s place.
The hush of his apartment was a welcome change from the noise of the concert and crowd. Dev pulled me into his bedroom and closed the door before pressing me up against it with a kiss. His hands moved quickly to the hem of my shirt and yanked it over my head.
Within moments, we were both naked and writhing against each other, kissing frantically. The warm pressure of his body against mine, the soft rasp of the hair at his chest, groin, and legs… the sound of his hitched breaths, and the beer-tinged taste of his tongue in my mouth all drove me out of my mind with need.
“Dev,” I begged, cupping his ass cheeks and pulling his hips closer so I could feel his cock against mine.
“What do you want, sweetheart?”
The endearment swooped into my gut and twirled, sending goose bumps skating across my skin.
“I want to be inside of you. I have a debt to pay.”
This was a shallow version of the truth. What I truly wanted was to be soul-deep inside of him, permanently etched like an exquisite tattoo of intricate and loving words wrapped around his heart.
We moved into the bedroom, kissing and touching until he was on his back in the middle of the bed, with my slick fingers teasing his hole and my mouth trailing kisses around the hardening peak of a nipple.
Dev’s fingers tunneled into my hair, blunt nails scraping lightly against my scalp. I took his nipple into my mouth and tugged. He sucked in a breath and arched up, giving me the opportunity to slip a finger inside of him. After teasing both of his nipples, I moved down and began doing the same to his cock, using my lips to toy with his foreskin the way I knew he liked.
His channel clenched around my fingers as I continued to stretch him out. Dev’s usually hazel eyes looked all brown and piercing. I couldn’t look away.
“Missed you so fucking much,” he said in a voice almost too low to hear. “Need you.”
I took a last deep suck of his cock, running my tongue along and around the shaft before pulling off. A groan rumbled in his chest as I moved up to kiss him on the mouth. His warm hands moved across my back and ass as he murmured against my mouth for me to get inside him.
By the time I moved between his open thighs and pressed my cock head against his hole, I was overwhelmed with emotions. How was it possible this was happening? That he felt the same way I did?
And more importantly… was that enough?
I watched Tully’s face as his cock began to stretch me open. His expressive face hid nothing. I could see his effort to hold back, to keep from ramming into me and hurting me. I could see emotion flooding him as he locked eyes with me, but he kept his words to himself.
I shouldn’t have been grateful that he was holding back with me, but I was. If he’d said any of the words that floated unspoken between us, I wouldn’t be able to bear it. Because I also knew that he wasn’t ready to give up his life in Texas to come be with us.
And I completely understood.
Katie’s grandmother had once told me that sometimes the wrong people came into your life at the right time. I was angry at my father and cursing while cleaning tack in the barn. Biddy had overheard me and counseled me on realizing that sometimes life just stunk, but there were lessons to learn from it.
“And the opposite is true, too, of course,” she’d cautioned. “Sometimes the right people come into your life at the wrong time. They teach you lessons, too, and you’ll thank god for the gift of them, even if they can’t stay forever.”
I felt that truth tonight, bone-deep.Right person, wrong time.Tully was the partner I wanted. The man I didn’t deserve but craved. He was perfect for me in every way, even though it wasn’t quite our time to make something of it.
While he thrust in and out of me, gasping praise against the hot skin of my neck and pressing a kiss after every exclamation, I decided to let go of fear and worry.
Tully was truly a gift.
This might not be the right time for us, but hewasthe right person.
And I would wait for him.
I love you.
The words drifted from my soul to his, unbidden, carrying my heart along with them.
If I’d been in control of my own heart, I wouldn’t have been able to let it go. It was too bruised, too beaten down and cast away by others, to risk handing it into someone else’s care.