“Are you alone?”
“At this very moment, I am, yes.”
“I don’t think you should go alone. Where’s Joker?”
I look at the time, trying to figure out how much longer until he returns. “He’s out of town on a job, but should be back soon.”
“Is there anyone else you can call?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll call someone. But I need to see it with my own eyes before anyone comes in and starts touching things. You understand, right?”
“I understand. We’ll try to keep an eye on things, too. Please be careful.”
I quickly pack up my cello and put it in the backseat of the truck and pull out of the big area in front of the cabin and head toward the driveway. My first call is to Dad.
“I need to know if you can meet me at the school,” I ask as soon as he answers.
“One of my students’ dads runs the security monitoring company for the school and just called me and said my classroom is destroyed. I need you to meet me at the school?”
“Where’s Harrison?”
“Working. He’s out of town. Should be back soon.”
“Shit,” he says under his breath. “Honey, I can’t get away right now. I’m about to go in front of a judge. Can you wait for him?”
“No. Dad, I need to see it, and I can’t wait.”
“Call your brother. And call me back, I’ll meet you as soon as I can.”
“I will.”
“Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
I hang up with Dad and call Davis, waking him up. He grumbles a greeting about someone better be dead. Oh, someone’s dead when I figure out who the fuck destroyed my classroom.
“Roger called and said someone destroyed my classroom and I need you to meet me at the school. Dad can’t go, he’s in court. I need you.”
“I have the baby, but I’ll get us ready.”
“Where’s Trish?”
“She’s meeting her editor over in Rockton.”
“I don’t think you should bring Aaron. Is Lucas or Harper home?”
“They are out with Zach, Owen’s with them.”
“Call Ranger, and I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“Call me back and let me know what’s going on.”
I hang up and call Ranger, who thankfully answers on the first ring.