Page 6 of Love Takes Home

“And still no hints?”



When we drive around a bend, brake lights stop us from any forward movement. Odd.

“Wonder what’s going on up there?” Ginny says, resting her head on her hand.

“Probably a wreck. That’s about the only thing that happens around here.”

We sit in silence while inching forward in the traffic. As we get closer to the vehicles involved in what looks like a hell of an accident, Ginny inhales a sharp breath.

“What?” I ask her, looking over to see her face pale and her eyes widen as she stares at the carnage on the side of the road.

“That looks just like Keith’s car.” She raises her hand and points.

I follow her stare and bite back a growl. It does look like his car, but I can’t be sure. I pull out my phone and pull up Davis’s number. He’s a close friend and Ginny’s brother. Before I can question it, I hit the call button.

“You have my sister?” he asks as soon as he answers.

“Hi!” Ginny calls from her side of the cab.

“Guess so,” he laughs. “Where are you taking her?”

“Somewhere safe. Somewhere close enough we’ll be there when Trish goes into labor.”

“Thank goodness. She was so happy Gin left but miserable at the thought she’d miss the birth. Keep her safe for me. She’s my sister.”

“No shit, dumbass. I know she’s your sister.” I bite back the other remark I want to make about defining safe. Because the things I wish I could do to her? He’d probably kill me for just thinking them.

“Now that we have that out of the way, what’s up?” Davis is a good guy. He knows things most of us don’t, and as much as I’ve seen in my life, he’s seen his own shit.

“Not that I care, but is the shithead there? Did he show up at the church?”

“Umm, can you take me off speaker?”

I look at Ginny, who rolls her eyes and flips off her brother, even if he can’t see, making me smile.

“Just tell us if he’s there, dork,” she yells across the cab. “Or if he might be laying on the side of the road in a crunched up car.”

“Crunched up car?”

“Looks like a wreck on the side of state road fourteen. Three cars, one looks like his,” I explain.

“Fuck.” He pulls the phone away from his ear and speaks to someone in the room with him. I hear voices but can’t makeanything out. “He’s not here, and no one on his side has been able to reach him.”

“Oh, no,” Ginny gasps, covering her mouth with her hand. “We need to go back.”

“No!” Davis and I say at the same time.

“Yes! What if he’s hurt?”

“There were already emergency crews at the scene, Ginny. They won’t let us do anything, so we need to keep going.”

The glare she gives me should shrivel my balls, but this is Ginny Mills, so the opposite happens and my dick tries to stand up and wave.

“That was the man I promised to spend my life with,Harrison. Don’t you understand that?”