Page 69 of Love Takes Home

“You aren’t under arrest, kid. Not yet anyway. What do you have?”

“Jimmy shoved something down my pants. I don’t know what it is.”

“He did, huh? Well, why don’t you show it to me and I’ll decide what we need to do about that?”

The boys snicker, all looking at me like they already know the ending to this story. I keep backing up with Coach advancing on me until my back is against the wall.

“Looks like you don’t have anywhere to go now. Might as well give it up.”

If I can get out of this room, I can get away. That’s all I’m thinking. I need to get away. Something’s wrong here.

“Wait.” I hold up my hands and he stops. I can’t believe that actually worked.

“Are you a part of this?”

“Part of what?”

“Are you using drugs, too?”

His laugh is mocking. “You’re kidding, right? Me? I’m not involved in anything.”

“Then why won’t you trust me when I say they are?” I ask, pointing to the boys behind him.

“Because I know them. All I really know about you is your sister is a bitch and her best friend is a fucking whore.”

Yeah, that’s it. I need out of here.

Without really thinking it through, I reach for the door and slam it open, running out into the hallway.

“Get him, boys! Bring him back to me!” Coach yells.

I run as fast as I can down the hallway, trying every other door, trying to find one that’s unlocked or open. All of them are already dark for the day. Damn, no one hangs out and grades shit when the last bell rings anymore?

I can hear the others chasing me, calling me names, and if they catch me, I’m afraid of what they’ll do.

What would happen if I just give up? Will they kill me? Beat me? I don’t know, but I don’t want to find out. There has to be somewhere safe in this damn building! Wait, what’s that sound? Where is it coming from? I finally look up to see where I am and realize I’m near the auditorium and the music room is over here. Ginny!

I run to her door and yank it open, skidding to a stop inside. She’s with Audrey, a girl in ninth. Both of them stare at me, shocked at my entrance.

“Hide me!” I plead. “Please. Don’t let them get me.”

Ginny stands quickly and points to a closet in the corner of the room.

“It’ll be crowded, but go there.”

No questions. No doubt. Fuck that guy for what he called her. My Aunt Ginny is awesome. She meets me at the closet and opens the door, pulling out a large instrument in a hard-shell case. It’s like the one she plays. She moves another hard-shell case forward and points behind it.

“Get behind that case and lie down.”

I do as she tells me. She throws some type of fabric over me and closes the door.

“Aubrey, let’s play.”

I hear music start, and close my eyes, trying to slow my heart down and take a full breath. How am I going to get out of this? Obviously, I’m going to have to drop out of school. I can’t come back here. Not with everyone after me. We’re just going to have to move.

I hear the other boys yelling and the music stops. I put my ear to the door to try to listen.

“Where is he?” It sounds like JT asking.