Page 126 of Love Takes Home

“The one and only!” he calls out, his smile still firmly in place.

Another beautiful woman appears. Tall, blonde, great rack, and a smile. These people are almost scary happy!

“Oh, my gosh,” she gushes, pulling me out of Joker’s grip and into a bear hug. “You’re here. You’re his Ginny!”

“That’s me,” I squeak.

“Oh,” she pulls back. “So sorry! I’m Victoria Thorpe-Allen. It’s really nice to meet you.”

“You’re…Abigail’s sister?” I ask.

“I am! You know Abs?”

“Her old assistant, Trish. She’s my best friend.”

“I know her! Wow, small world. Also, Daniel told me what’s been going on with you. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Depends on what he told you, I guess.” I smile in return.

“He kind of told me all of it that he knew. That you were this big time cello player and then you got into a bad relationship, but you walked away, and then what happened at the school. And, I looked you up on the internet, and you were an amazing cellist. I’ve been listening to your performances for weeks. I can’t get enough of it. You’re just so talented.”

“Umm,” I stammer, blushing from head to toe. “Thank you. I didn’t even know those old things were out there.”

“Oh, honey,” Delia says. “Not only are they out there, but with you being connected to the school and what happened, they are blowing up again. Your old stuff is all over social media. Even my boys said something about it.”

I stare at Joker, who looks too innocent. “You knew about this?” I ask him.

“I might have known something about it,” he confesses.

“I’m sorry,” Victoria says. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“No, not at all. I just didn’t know those were all being pulled up again.”

“Well, anyway, I wanted to also tell you that I’m really happy you walked away before he could hurt you more than he already had. And before there was a legally binding document between you. I wish I had done that. I just…if you ever want to talk to someone who knows exactly what you’ve been though, I’m here for you, okay?”

“Wow, thanks.”

Delia nods her head. “You can also talk to me. Been there, have the scars. If it wasn’t for people like Joker here, it could have been a whole lot worse.” She smiles his way.

It’s then I understand how important ANON is. “I’m really glad you got out,” I tell her.

Victoria gives me a soft smile and motions to her office, while Delia sits back down at her desk. I look at Joker.

“This is like some weird sorority I never thought I’d be a part of.”

“Maybe. Take a look around sometime. Everybody from every class from every place on earth was someone or knows someone who was or is in your shoes. You are not alone. Ever.”

“Thanks,” I whisper. “Let’s go see what Fucky McFuckerson was up to.”

“The name just fits, doesn’t it?” Joker smiles and takes my hand, leading me to the conference room.

Chapter 36


We walk into theconference room together, the last to enter. Because we were late. For reasons. Naked, orgasmic reasons. Totally worth it. We sit down side by side, with everyone watching us. I’m sure I interrupted something that’s probably important, but they can fill me in later if needed.

“Umm, hi.” Ginny waves awkwardly at everyone around the table. Sammy smiles at her, Aiden waves, and Daniel nods.