All three of us roll our eyes. Sandy stops to drop our drinks off. “He hiding?” she asks.
“Yup,” Claire answers.
“Am not,” Joker says like a petulant child.
“Are you scared we might tell Ginny here everything we already know?”
My eyebrows shoot up as I look between the two women. “You know about me?”
“Has that man told you he loves you yet?” Claire asks.
My cheeks heat up at this question, and I look at the top of Joker’s head. “Hang on,” I tell them, sliding back down again. “Joker?” I ask once I’m level with him.
“Hmm?” he asks, turning his face in my direction.
“I need to ask you something,” I whisper.
“What’s that?”
“What do these women know about me?”
“They, um, might know how I feel about you.”
“Another question. How do they know how you feel about me?”
“The guys I work with have big fucking mouths and can’t keep anything to themselves?” he ends on a question, like he’s not totally sure that’s the right answer.
“You haven’t been spilling my secrets in your sessions?”
“No. Only mine. But everyone has a complete lack of filter around her. It’s like a magic superpower or something.”
“Last question.”
“And that would be how exactly do you feel about me?” I smile, my whisper loud enough for the women to hear me now.
“You know how I feel about you.” He returns my smile. "I already told you."
“Do I?” The grin on my face is so wide my cheeks are starting to hurt. “Do I really?”
“Sandy would kick us out if I showed you exactly how much I feel about you.”
“Damn right I would. Everyone has to keep their clothes on in my establishment!” Sandy yells.
“Party pooper,” George grouses.
“What have we talked about?” Claire asks. “The shell has to crack sometimes. And if you can’t do it now, when can you?”
“I love you, woman!” he yells, popping up and pulling me up in his arms. In front of the whole diner.
Gloria and Claire high-five. Sandy kisses George on the cheek. The other patrons clap.
“The kiss when we got here wasn’t a big enough clue?” he asks. “And the words I already said?”
I shake my head, my smile still plastered on my face.