“You aren’t stupid,” Joker surprises me by whispering in my ear. “But I’m going to get a complex if everything I do that you enjoy gets compared to how much of a fuckup that loser is. Just admit I’m the better man and enjoy your time with me. Deal?”
“I wasn’t…” I start, but realize I can’t lie to this man. “I was. I’m sorry. I’ll try to not do that anymore. It’s exhausting in my head sometimes. You shouldn’t have to deal with that.”
“I don’t want your apology, Beautiful. I want an invite inside. Tell me your thoughts. Let’s work through them together. After you just realize I’m the best and that you love me more.”
“Of course I love you more. I never loved him at all.”
It’s not until I stop walking at our table that I realize what I just said.
“I didn’t mean…That’s not what…Fuck.”
Joker laughs, pulling me into his arms in front of everyone eating their meals, and plants a very not-safe-for-public kiss on my lips, only breaking away when Ms. Sandy clears her throat.
“Sorry,” I mouth to her. She just shakes her head, mumbling about crazy people kissing in her diner.
“I love you, too.” He grins at me, still not letting me go. “Now let’s eat. I’m starving and we have other plans.”
In a daze, Joker pushes me down to the seat, sliding me over and scooting in beside me. It’s only then I snap out of it.
“You can’t sit on this side, there’s not enough room!”
“There’s plenty of room, Ginny.”
The look he gives me calls out all my bullshit. It’s not quite the make-you-pee look, but it’s close.
“Don’t give me that look.”
“Don’t imply things that aren’t true. There’s plenty of room for both of us to sit on the same side together. Besides, I can do this.” He wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me even closer to his side. “Couldn’t do that if I were way over there.”
“Well, this is just adorable. Honey, you’re stunning, and those hips? Men’s kryptonite. Just ask my George,” she winks at me, “he’s been trying to get an eye full since you walked in. He’s got very good taste. He married me, after all!”
“Damn right I did!” an older man with a smile that lights up the room yells back from the counter. “And she’s a saint for putting up with me all these years, but I can’t help but look at a pretty girl.”
“Hey, that’s my girl you’re talking about, old man.” Joker laughs. “Keep your eyes to yourself.”
George laughs, full and loud, and turns back to his coffee. I’ve missed this place.
“Alright. Now that we’ve had our fun. Let’s see if I remember this.” Sandy takes out her order pad and squints her eyes at me. “One of you liked the turkey and one of you liked the waffles with extra butter.”
“That’s a really good memory,” I admit. “Extra butter for the extra—”
“Butter pockets!”
We share a smile and she writes down my order. When she turns to walk away, Joker stares at her.
“You didn’t take my order.”
“Batman, you’ve been coming in here for years and you order the same dang thing every single time. I don’t need to ask you for your order.”
It’s Joker’s turn to grin, his ears tinting pink, as Sandy pats his cheek.
“Your drinks will be right out.”
“She’s good,” I tell him once she’s walked away. He grins and kisses my cheek.
“What do we have here?” a new voice asks from the booth behind us.
“Looks like our boy is visiting with a woman,” another female says.