“You seem happy.”
Her smile told me I’d hit the nail on the head. “Since Brick found out about Simon, it’s like something’s lifted off hisshoulders. He’s back to his old self again, the guy I fell in love with all those years back.”
“I’m really happy for you both.”
I frowned as something wiggled its way through my thoughts. “Do you think love can work if you don’t fully know the person?”
“You worried you and Grim won’t make it?”
I rubbed Mr. Bamboo’s ear while I thought. “I think I always questioned romance books when the couples fell in love so easily.”
She snorted. “You guys hardly fell in love easily, Kenna. You fought your way there.”
“That’s true, I guess.”
She muted the TV and looked at me. “Look, girlfriend. Sure, things happened fast, but look how much you two have grown since. Neither of you wanted anything more than hot sex. You fought like tigers then practically tore each other to pieces. If that ain’t love at first sight, I don’t know what is.” She laughed and smacked her knee.
I had to join in her laughter. Then her face turned serious.
“Really, though, I don’t think a wife was ever on Grim’s radar. I don’t know when that happened. You’ve both been through some horrible stuff over the last while. Heartbreak like that can be more than a person can endure. Yet here you are, on his couch, knocked up and glowing.” She pointed at my belly.
“It’s just so fast.” I chewed my cheek again then forced myself to stop.
“Can I tell you something?” I waited for her to go on. “Jenelle made a move on Grim last night, and he didn’t exactly put her off.”
My blood burned instantly, and I felt it go through my body like a heatwave. I tossed the blanket off. “The fuck you say?”
“That. right there,” she grinned suddenly, “that fire you have in you right now to kill someone, that’s love, girlie. And I’ve never, ever seen that in you before.”
“You fucking suck.” I sat back and took a breath, then gave her a look of death.
“Why, yes, I do. Quite well, actually.”
I threw a beer cap at her, and she laughed.
“If Brick and I can weather a decade-long storm, you can handle this one.”
“I guess.” I settled into the couch and mulled over her words while she flicked through the channels. We settled on a comedy, and before long, I drifted off to sleep, content to be there with my best friend.
I spentthe next two days mostly in bed and slept like the dead. A few times, Laurel came in and checked on me with a tasty morsel of food to tempt me. She also brought reassurance that what I was feeling now was normal. Of course, she had the doctor come in to back up her words.
Once I was back on a high protein diet in the morning, everything felt normal again. The tiredness was still there, but at least I kept my food down without the help of the IV.
Grim was in and out and seemed extra stressed. I finally got it out of Laurel that they’d been combing through Cameron’s files and had flushed out another member of the Potens. He worked in the accounting department at Indulge. I knew I needed to give him the space he needed to deal and process what that must mean to them.
The day finally came when I was able to join the world of the living. “Decaf, please,” I grumbled to the barista and wished I could have my normal caffeine kick.
“Nice to see you back up and kicking.” I turned and hugged Morgan tightly. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” I kissed his cheek. “What have I missed?” We walked toward a table and took our seats.
“Well, now, let’s see. Vinni was talking to some dude at Minnie’s the other night, and Trigger came up and smoked the dude in the jaw. Guess he’d been stealing. Thought Vinni was going to shit himself.”
“Sienna mentioned that even after all these years, Vinni’s still terrified of Trigger.” I laughed. “I mean, I get it, but Vin’s mafia.”
“It’s ’cause Trigger’s quiet. It’s always the quiet ones people fear the most.” Morgan rubbed his long beard. “I’m glad you’re doing okay. Couple of us are going for a desert ride later, see if we can scrounge up some trouble. Maybe round up a couple of Stripe Backs.” His grin made me happy. He looked past me. “I see this is my cue to leave.”