She headed for the door, and I looked down at the box filled with Cameron’s crap that I still needed to deal with.
“When we last spoke in this office, you said your days were numbered here.”
She didn’t miss much. “I did.”
“Now that Dad is dead?”
“I didn’t mean your father.”
“The Potens?”
“No,” I turned my back, “they’re the least of my problems. Have a good night, Kenna.” I turned back to the box and heard the door shut behind me.
“Kenna was just spotted coming out of Cameron’s office on the twentieth. Simon’s there,” Jesse whispered, and I held up a finger as a thank you. I trusted Kenna, but she was digging into her father, and I was concerned that one of these days she might get herself into more trouble.
“Everything all right?” Trigger eyed me from across the table. Smoke rose from his lips and made him squint at me.
“Kenna’s digging.’” I puffed on my own joint.
He gave me a shit-eating grin. “The women we attract.”
I agreed.
He looked away, but I could tell something bothered him. “So, you’re gonna be a fuckin’ dad.”
“I am.”
“And what?” Trigger never spoke more than he had to, so it was always entertaining to make him spell shit out.
“And if you knew her parents might fuck him up, wouldn’t you wanna cut their throats?”Ah, there it is. He didn’t agree with the deal I made with Agent Colins not to retaliate against Talya’s parents. I couldn’t blame him. I wanted to do it. “If Talya’s fuckin’ parents find out who the father is, no tellin’ what kind of life that kid’ll get.”
“Talya’s a big girl. She’s laying low with a friend in Mexico City. If there’s a problem, she’ll call me.”
He stabbed out his joint. “Don’t like it. Colins is gettin’ way too much fuckin’ power.”
“I don’t disagree on that, but we all know his role in the underground, and until he’s not FBI anymore, we should continue to use him.”
“Old mafia.” Trigger shook his head. I knew it still bothered him that Colins had found out late in life that his grandfather was head of a crime family. But there was a big difference being raised in that world and entering it later in life. Then add an FBI badge on top of that, it was mind-blowing. I wasn’t sure of Colins myself. It was a lot of power.
My mind shifted to someone else. “How’s Brick’s brother doing?”
“Fuck do I know?” He flipped his mohawk back. “I just keep lookin’ for the chain to pull to start his fuckin’ engine.”
I glanced at Jesse, who was on a call. “How’s Brick?”
“Happy.” He shrugged. “Just wish this guy could give him more than a google-eyed stare. He’s been waitin’ long enough for it. Deserves more.”
“Yeah, it’s too bad. I could get a doctor to check him out, see if there’s maybe some way to get through.”
He tapped his lighter on the table. “Yeah.” He sighed. “His fuckin’ smile just—” He stopped himself.