“Is there anything you’d like to add, Kenna?” Jim asked as we finished up.
“Actually, yes,” I cleared my throat and felt Grim’s eyes penetrate my brain, “but I’d like to discuss it privately, if you don’t mind.”
“Why?” Grim cut in, and I glared at him.
I looked at Jim for help then turned to Grim. “Because what I have to say to Jim is between him and me. Besides, you aren’t exactly known for your even temperament, Grim.” His face turned to stone.
“She’s not wrong, Dad,” Knox chimed in. “Grim’s at a ten all the time, especially when Kenna’s involved.” I fought a blush.
Grim ignored his brother and glared at me. “What happened?”
Jim raised a hand when he saw what I did, that his son was about to go from zero to a hundred. “Of course, Kenna. The meeting’s over, everyone. Let’s all get on with our day.”
Grim waited a beat then moved to stand next to me and leaned over to whisper in my ear. “Don’t make me tie you up again.”
I raised a brow. “Is that a promise?”
He chuckled darkly then gave me a warning that he wasn’t kidding before he left.
Once we were alone, Jim placed a cup of coffee in front of me. He was always such a kind man, no matter what was going on in his life.
“I won’t beat around the bush with you, Kenna. I’d like to think we’ve grown close, especially since you started working here. How are you holding up, given all that’s happened?”
I tapped a finger on my coffee cup as I thought about his question. I loved Jim like family, so I wanted to be honest when given the chance. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t struggling, but I know where my loyalty and heart lie, and it isn’t with my father or my sister.” I pushed aside how terrible that sounded, but it was the truth. “At the risk—” I stopped myself.
He waved a hand at me. “Please, go on.”
I took a deep breath. “At the risk of bringing up something that’s upsetting, I want you to know that Leo’s death has been difficult for me to process. Mostly due to,” I shifted in my seat, “how and why he was killed.” Jim nodded. “I’m so sorry for what happened, and I’m sorry for running off to Hong Kong. It’s just that I felt uncomfortable by association. I mean, Cameron’s myfather, and I think I needed to reassure myself that I had other options if things became too difficult for me here.”
“I can totally understand that, Kenna. It would be a perfectly natural way to feel.” He leaned back in his chair. “But just so it’s said, we never once blamed you or thought you were in any way a part of our son’s death.”
“I think I know that now. Thank you for that. I can’t imagine how you all are managing, what with Cam?—”
“We’re managing, dear.” He held his hand up. “I’ll admit it’s difficult living every day with your son’s murderer so close and trying to pretend all the time. I wish I could just handle things the way I want to, but there’s too much at stake. There’s a lot more going on, and we can’t afford to lose sight of our goal. He’ll pay for what he did.” He looked at me, and I held his gaze and nodded.
“Yes, he will.” It had finally sunk in over the past weeks that my own flesh and blood was a murderer.
“So, have you made a decision, then, about the offer from Yen Hong?”
I pressed my lips together, and Grim suddenly popped up in my thoughts. I shook him away, but he wouldn’t leave. “Ah,” I stumbled over my words, which must have looked bad, “if I didn’t love my job here, I would consider it, but my friends are my family, and I wouldn’t want to leave them behind.”
A smile broke free. “That’s good to hear. I’m sure Grim is pleased to hear that, too?”
“Mm,” I shrugged with a playful smirk, “sometimes it’s good to keep Grim on his toes.”
He tossed his head back and laughed. “Spoken like a woman who understands how my son works.” His face was so full of life at that moment that I found myself joining in. God, it felt wonderful to laugh with him again. “Well,” he swiped a fingerunder his eye, “now that I don’t have to look for a lead hostess anytime soon, I can relax.”
“I don’t have any intention of leaving,” I reiterated. “I do have a concern I want to bring to you, though.”
“Of course.” He sipped his coffee.
“I’m concerned about Jayden Wallace.” His face fell just the way his son’s did. “Honestly, I wouldn’t bring this up, given everything that’s going on, but he’s becoming quite inappropriate. He’s overstepped before, but now it’s gone too far.” I raised my chin. “I can handle myself, but if he’s like that with me, I’m very concerned about the other girls.”
“I see.” He took a moment to think. “I’m going to be honest here and let you in. His father is another one I’m watching. Walter Wallace came on the same time as Cameron, and they’re quite close.” I noticed he didn’t sayyour father. “For now, leave him to me. Let’s have you spend most of your time at Secrets. Mr. Salazar is leaving tonight, and Mr. Hong is busy with his clothing line. Mr. Harris is in town with some businessmen I think you should engage with. They’d be excellent potential clients for Secrets.”
“Of course,” I agreed.
He pulled out his phone and texted someone. “I appreciate that you came to me with this and know it will be dealt with at the right time. I’ll have one of my men watch him. Make sure he stays clear of you and isn’t bothering the others.”