“Grim, why don’t you wear a condom with me?”
“I want to feel all of you.” I knew she’d said something, but I didn’t hear her, I had a one-track mind—to be in this woman. I grabbed her breast and caught her nipple with my lips as I used my free hand to ditch my pants. Her fingers tangled in my hair and pulled as she gave in to me. There was no need to prime her first. She was ready, and her body shimmered in what little light there was in the room. I lifted her hips and brought her forward and cried out as I pushed into her.
I wrapped her legs around me and carried her to the pool table where I laid her flat out in front of me. “Lose the shirt.” I helped rid her of it. I lifted her legs straight up and wrapped an arm around them, giving me a different feel. I moved in and out a few times and felt a wild thrill rush through me. Her breasts bounced and her lips parted as I got as deep as I could. She was wild as she moved against me. I saw her need was as strong as mine.
“And if I was to get pregnant?” Her words barely registered as I felt my eyes roll back in my head. I swore her body sucked me in tighter at each thrust.
“I’m not going to stop fucking you, if that’s what you’re wondering.” I was so captivated in that moment I could hardly form a word. Her face twisted and a sheen of sweat broke out over her forehead with her efforts. All I knew was I needed even more. I let go of her legs, reached back for a pillow, and pushed it under her lower back. She moaned and bucked as I went even deeper inside her. She had to reach back and hold on. I went wild at the sight of her then flipped her over to take her from behind. She clawed the felt and cried but took everything I gave her.
“Fuck, woman,” I palmed her ass and increased my attack on her, “you drive me to madness.”
Her sounds of delight as she finally let go drew me to a headspace I’d never achieved before, and everything inside me tightened then exploded in white hot light. It was pure bliss and serenity rolled into one. I wrapped my arms around her waist for an anchor as I tried to hold on to the best feeling of my life.
When I could see straight and my lungs returned to normal, I peeled off Kenna and helped her to stand, then I took her chin in my hand and looked into her exhausted eyes. Then I scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom and laid her down on the bed. I crawled in next to her and slipped back inside.
“Just when I didn’t think it could get any better,” she murmured in a dreamy voice, “you go and do that.” She reached back and patted my hip.
“Remember that when you’re talking shit about ending our physical relationship.” I drew her closer to me and locked her in place with an arm. I took a deep breath and filled my lungs with the scent of her shampoo. I was totally relaxed as I relished the moment of us being alone and me back inside her.
Her breathing evened out, and just when I thought she’d fallen asleep, she whispered, “It’s all fun and games until one of us finds someone to fall in love with.”
I stilled at her words; my insides twisted with a sudden insane jealousy. I tried to brush away the foreign feeling that invaded my body, but it didn’t work.
* * *
Kenna had woken before me,and I was pissed to find myself in an empty bed. I quickly showered, changed, and packed my suitcase after I stomped through the suite and realized she was gone. I cursed when I read the note that I found on the bar top. I’d had other plans for her.
Meet you downstairs. - Kenna
I swiped the keycard off the table and headed downstairs where she and Jesse sat with the other two security guys as they enjoyed their coffee.
“Coffee, black with a dash of sugar.” Kenna handed me a cup as I joined them.
She questioned my mood. “How could you possibly be grumpy, this early in the morning?”
“I wasn’t finished with you yet.” I didn’t care who listened at that point. Jesse snorted into his mug but wisely didn’t comment.
“There’s always tonight.” She lifted a brow.
“Nice to see you listened.”
“Well,” she leaned in, “you put up a good fight.”
“I do love a good fight with you.” I hooked her waist and smashed my lips to hers.
“Grim,” she whispered when I let her go, “careful. People might get the wrong impression.” “What? That we’re fucking?” I chuckled but as I said it, something pinged in my chest, and I had to look away from her.
“Anyway,” she brushed off my comment as she looked around, “where’re Leo and Paige? She said she’d be down for coffee before we all left for the airport.”
“They’re probably going at it again,” I huffed and glanced at my watch. I shook my head as I remembered he’d taken a bottle of champagne to his room. “Let’s go get him, Jesse.” I waved for him to follow while the other two guys stayed with Kenna.
“I’m glad we’re heading back,” I admitted. “I’m ready for a few bouts in the ring once we’re settled.”
“I would’ve thought you’d have worked out a few kinks on this trip.” Jesse grinned, and I swatted him on the back.