Page 76 of Havoc

“I really liked it.” I nodded. “Your voices complement each other, but what I liked most were your strong instrumentals. Do you like playing the classics as much as your own stuff?”

“Very much so,” Leon said. “We’re here to play music for everyone, not just those who know our songs. We play to honor those who paved the road for us to stand in front of that mic.”

Good answer.

Kenna took over the conversation then. She asked how they started as a band and how often and where they traveled for gigs. She was good at asking the right kind of questions that led to interesting answers. By the time they left to play their next set, she knew something about each of their families, their favorite kinds of foods, and I was sure even if they had a pet.

“You know,” Paige leaned over the table, “if you ever wanted to leave Vegas, you’d be amazing at sales.”

That wasn’t going to happen.

“Thanks.” Kenna sipped her water. “I love my job, and I suppose you could say sales plays a part in it, actually, but there’s so much more.”

“I agree,” I found myself saying out loud, which drew her attention to me. I saw her eyes light up at my words.

The music started, and we all went quiet.

“Summertimeby Louis Armstrong,” Kenna breathed and put a hand to her chest. “This is one of my favorites.”

“Dance with me, Leo.” Paige pulled Leo out of his seat, and I heard him laugh as they moved to the dance floor. A few other people swayed to the rich, slow music. The lighting was low, and the dance floor looked dark and seedy. I rather enjoyed the vibe.

It wasn’t often I felt comfortable in public, but given how small the place was, and that it had few if any windows, and the fact that my brother had my back, I figured what’s one dance? Besides, it gave me a reason to touch Kenna.

I stood and reached out to her. She looked surprised then studied me for a second before she slid her hand into mine and joined me on the dance floor. I pulled her into me. She kept a little space between us, so I honored it. We were, after all, in public, had a stage-five stalker on our heels, and we weren’t a couple.

I slid my hands around her hips and let them settle low on her back.

“When did you contact them?” I glanced at the band.

“This morning,” she whispered for only me to hear. “Their manager got back to me right away, and we met for coffee.”

“Is that why you didn’t take my call?”

“Part of the reason, yes.”

“And the other?”

“Your texts had a tone to them I didn’t appreciate.” She raised an eyebrow. “I’m kidding.” She smirked. “I was working out the contract with Knox, which is like trying to get a bunch of chickens to all look one way at the same time.” I chuckled at her example; it was spot on. “I have a really good feeling about these guys, Grim. I think they offer more than just music. I think they bring heart and soul to the stage.”

“Okay, I agree.” I found myself trusting Kenna’s gut and felt confident in the deal. “I’ll get Knox to complete the contract.”

“No need.” She grinned and leaned her head to one side. “He did come through for me, and I already got it to their manager in time for her to go over it with them. It just comes down to you. If you offer it to them, you’ve got the Cajun Cat at your restaurant for four days a week.”

I shook my head and studied her excited expression. “My mother was right about you.”

“What did she say?”

“That you’re not only beautiful but a force to be reckoned with.”

“Your mother is a very wise woman.” She laughed lightly.

“So are you.” I slowly pulled her in closer, and she allowed it. I pressed my cheek to the top of her head, and our bodies swayed to the slow beat. I moved my hands over her silky back and breathed in her scent to lock it in the memory. Every breath I took awoke parts of me I kept tightly locked away from others. I wasn’t an easy man to be with, nor did I care to be with a woman for any length of time. I wasn’t a jealous man, but as time unfolded, I found myself staking my claim over her. I relaxed and let myself sink into the moment.

As quickly as I let my walls down, I felt them built right back up. What was I thinking? I needed to keep a layer of protection. I never wanted to allow myself to be vulnerable to anyone, let alone a woman. I needed…

As if she sensed a change in me, Kenna looked up and something flickered across her face as we tried to read each other’s thoughts. Then she stretched up and I leaned down, and our lips touched gently. The lust and urgency we typically felt, the need to tear one another apart, seemed to take a step back and let another emotion take the spotlight. We’d kissed like that only once before, and it had scared the shit out of me. But I couldn’t stop; I had lost control of my brain.

Her hand moved into my hair, and every nerve ending tingled with electricity. I pressed her closer to me as we held the kiss and the tempo. It was a heady experience.