Page 46 of Havoc

“I can handle myself.” I smirked at her, and her chin lifted as I stepped in close.

“And as history has proved, so can I. How’s Kelly, by the way?

I shrugged. “Haven’t seen her.”

“I figured she’d be grinding away on your lap right about now.”

“Jealous, Kenna?”

“He who claimed me as his in front of the entire party asks me if I’m jealous?” She arched her brow as I ran a finger along her hip and drew the silk higher up her leg. We both looked toward the fire as a shout rang out.

“Those guys are animals.” I found her eyes again.

“That from you, Grim?” She huffed as she dragged her fingertips down my chest. I sucked in a deep breath at how intense it felt. “What are you with me?” She tilted her head back, and her hair fell away from my favorite spot.

“A fucking savage.” I slammed her body to mine and hungrily kissed her mouth. She didn’t miss a beat and matched my intensity. My hand moved over the curve of her bare ass and under her thong. I could feel the hype building inside me, and I picked her up and carried her into the shadow of the RV. We didn’t need an audience. She was mine to devour, and I could barely contain myself.

Bang!A vibration traveled through both of us where our ribs were pressed against each other. She yelped into the kiss, and we both pulled away to look around.

“What the hell was that?” She looked up at me with big eyes. Leal growled, and he raced to my feet.

“Bomb, I think.”

Semi-automatics could be heard off in the distance, and I pushed her to the ground.

“Stay low.”

“Grim!” Jesse yelled as he threw open the RV door and handed me my handgun plus a shotgun.

More bullets and screams found our ears, and I knew it wasn’t our guys.

“Kenna, get inside.” I pulled her to her feet and pushed her toward the door. Zhar was on high alert next to me. I stepped in behind her and shoved a gun into her hand. “Point and shoot,” I pointed to the clip, “push here, let it fall, add the next. Got it?”

“Wait,” she held the gun awkwardly then set it on the table and whirled around to stare at me, “you can’t leave me here!”

“Walls are bulletproof, and you’re surrounded by weapons.” I open a cabinet to show her more guns. “No one’s coming in. Only open the door for the girls, me, or Jesse.” Bullets sprayed closer, and I knew I needed to go. I was ready to kill whoever dared to touch the club.

“Gates!” Trigger called from outside, and I looked out and saw him and the guys ready to do battle.

“Don’t leave here, Kenna,” I grabbed her head and kissed her hard, “that’s a Goddamn order!” I pressed my finger into her chest to drive my point home and called my boys to my side.

“What do we know?” I yelled as I came up to the guys.

“Stripe Backs,” Trigger snarled, his eyes filled with hate. “Fuckers came down the mountain and attacked the west side.”

“Do we know why?”

“Does it fuckin’ matter?” Trigger grinned and slapped me on the back.

“Well, let’s go break some bones.” I grinned back and hefted the shotgun to my shoulder as we spread out. I threw an order to the dogs, and they melted into the shadows.

Brick was next to me and pointed with his head as we drew close to the main fire. The smell of fuel and chemicals hung heavy in the air. A few guys lay nearby, and I could tell by their cuts they were from our New York Chapter. More bodies, mangled from the blast, were close by. We moved forward together and found more bodies, some shot in the head or stabbed to death. Some of them women. It helped fuel our hate for what was to come.

“This way!” one of the guys from a different chapter called out. “Grab your bikes. Some went that way!” Several of his men jumped on their bikes and fired up their engines and tore off across the desert.

Zip! Zip!Bullets flew by my shoulder, and I ducked for cover behind a van where I nearly fell over Rail.

“Howdy, brother!” He grinned at me. “I’m waitin’ that fucker out.” He pointed to a Stripe Back who’d been shot in the thigh. We watched as he dragged himself across the sand and called out for his buddies to help him. “Guess you almost got caught in the crosshairs.” He grinned again apologetically.