“When did you start working for Grim?”
“Um,” his squinted as he thought, “it’s going on nine years now.”
“How’d you meet?”
“Long story short, I was working security for a high-powered client. I saw they were into some pretty shady shit. They made a bad deal, and when they went to pull a fast one, I turned the tables and went to bat for the other guy.”
“Grim?” He smiled, and his eyes widened and seemed to glow. Jesse and Grim only smiled like that when shit got crazy. I figured their dark sides had connected that day.
“I was hired on the spot.” He laughed.
I chuckled. “I’m sorry I missed that. Sounds like it would’ve been a good show.”
“It was.” He looked out the window and thought for second. “Can I ask you something?”
“Only seems fair.”
“You seem incredibly resilient, given all that’s happened to you. But I have to know, are you really okay?” My smile faded, and I knew the truth showed on my face. I had just exposed how scared I really was.
“Sometimes I am.” My voice was barely a whisper.
“That’s fair.” He nodded then went back to his phone. When we arrived at the hotel, I looked around.
“Jesse? Where’d they take Sasha?”
“They just kicked him off the premises. I’ll fill Grim in now.”
So, he’s still out there. Great.
* * *
“I don’t know, Min.”I pulled out my suitcase and slammed the trunk. Morgan grabbed it before it hit the ground. “I’m a shit magnet these days. You sure I should come?”
“You hang out with a biker gang.” She slipped her arm through mine. “We’re always in shit. And why are you questioning me? You know I’m always right.” She laughed and sounded so carefree I envied her. “Besides, Morgan could use the company on the drive, and Tess has been dying to hang out with you.”
“I miss her, too.” I couldn’t help but smile as she tugged me along.
“After the last few weeks, you need a break,” she grinned, “and not the kind where you fly out to see your mom in some dusty museum. I love the woman, but you need to let loose, live a little. You need a few drinks so you can relax and open up that lunch box of yours. You know, offer up a snack to someone.”
“Yeah,” I snorted, “booze and sex does sound like the perfect recipe.”
“Great. That’s settled, then.” She steered me to Morgan’s van. It looked to be loaded with everything from suitcases, to ammo, to high-end liquor. It wasn’t the first time I’d been invited to Trigger’s annual party in the desert. It was held about an hour and a half outside Vegas in some remote place. Every member of Devil’s Reach and their friends were invited from all over. They brought their women and, in some cases, even their kids.
“I can’t believe you’ve never come to one of these.” Minnie shook her head at me.
I shrugged. “I guess I was just too focused on work.” I’d been so focused on getting clients for the hotel that I’d forgotten how to live. I realized I needed to change that, especially now that I was waist deep and up Shit Creek.
“Now,” she stepped back to take in my outfit, “though you don’t have a man to keep in check, you’ll be up against a trailer park full of hoes. So,” she pulled out a little black bag, and I smirked at the logo, “I brought you a little welcome to the fun gift.” I peeked inside.
“Oh, Minnie, you shouldn’t have.” Morgan grabbed the bag from me and looked inside.
“What the fuck is this?” He pulled out the small scrap of fabric. “That won’t even cover one tit, Kenna.”
“That’s the point,” Minnie huffed at him and tossed it back in the bag when Trigger gave a whistle for us to get a move on. “Change when we get there.” She blew me a kiss and hopped on the back of Brick’s bike.
“I got room over here, Kenna!” Rail called as a blonde in high black boots and a short leather skirt climbed awkwardly on behind him. “Still room right here.” He patted the front of his seat, and I laughed and got in the front of the van with Morgan.
He went quiet, and we listened to music for the first thirty minutes until whatever bothered him got the better of him. He stabbed the volume button and cut the music off. I waited. He sucked on a joint then handed it to me.