“Fuck,” I pinched the bridge of my nose, “this is bad.”
“I know,” he glanced at me, “so you better get his testimony fast or you’re up Shit Creek.”
I sat in silence while I let everything absorb. Normally, I could pivot and come up with a solution to things fairly quickly, but in that moment all I could envision was Vegas dripping in blood, with chaos and destruction at every turn.
“Now there’s one sexy woman.” Kurt whistled, now back behind his telescope. “How you haven’t hit that at least once is some self-control, my friend.” He handed me a pair of binoculars so I could look. I sat in front of the window and focused the lens on Kenna. “Did she mention anything at dinner about her attack?”
“No, but she wouldn’t say much with Cameron there.” I shook my head and felt bad for her.
“I’m sure in her line of work, she’s bound to piss someone off.”
“Not Kenna.” I lowered the binoculars. “She’s not like that.”
“You sound kinda sweet on her.” He gave me a pointed look.
“No, I generally just care about her well-being.” I cleared my throat. “I did call in a favor to Johnny. Hopefully, he can find me something from that night. You know he’s amazing at tracking phones, even if they are burners.”
“I see,” he grunted. I knew he didn’t like it when I worked outside the two of us. “Well, I’m sure if there was something to find, he’ll find it.”
“Let’s hope.” I gave a tight nod and focused back on the task at hand.
“Here, I got ears too.” He handed me an extra set of headphones. “There’s a lot of noise, but he’s working on it.”
I spotted him and watched ashemoved closer to Minnie.
“Careful,” I said into the mic. “Where Minnie is…” I stopped talking as Brick came up and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “They’re very protective,” I reminded our ears and eyes at the party.
“What Harley Davidson drinks a damn mojito? At least in public?” I muttered to Kurt as I took in the drink our informant sipped on. “Jesus, at least lose the straw.”
I focused my binoculars on Kenna, who had changed into a tight leather dress with ties holding the garment together on the sides so you could see her skin. She definitely was off the clock as she made her way toward the bar. Grim didn’t hide the fact that he watched her. If Kenna was trying to blend in at a biker party, she did anything but. I was sure there wasn’t anyone there who hadn’t noticed her.
“You think Grim and Kenna?—”
“They’re like oil and water.” I cut him off, but the more and more I watched them interact, I was starting to second guess myself.
“You sure about that?”
“Kenna wouldn’t risk her career for someone like Grim Gates. She’s smarter than that.”
“Right.” He smirked. “Oh, look who’s arrived.” He turned up the volume as Trigger walked over to Grim and they seemed to look toward us.
“Anything?” Grim asked.
“We have another problem,” Trigger grunted.
“Oh?” Trigger handed him his phone, and his face fell as he looked at it.
I was amazed at how clearly I could see what was going on. The sound wasn’t the best, but I could make out what they said.
“What’s on that phone?” Kurt yelled into his mic. “Get me eyes on that phone!”
“And risk my throat getting slashed?” the informant immediately snickered back. “No, thanks!” Grim handed the phone back to Trigger. I knew we were out of luck.
“I knew this was going to be bad,” we could hear Grim say. I stared through the binoculars at him. His posture was that of a powerful, majorly pissed off man. “This,” he pointed to the phone, “is about to change everything.”
“Fuck,” Kurt hit the table, “we only have so many opportunities!”
“There’ll be more,” I assured him. “We’ve got all night.”