Page 83 of Havoc

“Yes.” Paige hobbled over to the closest empty table. “These new shoes felt great in the store.” That her feet killed her was obvious, poor girl.

“They are beautiful,” I complimented. “What we girls do to look great.”

“Yeah, but ouch.” She laughed and kicked them off. The guys relaxed as well. They loosened their ties and laid their jackets over a spare chair.

“It certainly was a successful night.” Grim reached for his glass.

“I have to ask.” Leo turned in his seat to see me better. “How could you not tell us who Cajun Cat was?”

I sighed, feeling really good inside for the first time in a long time. “I wanted you guys to like them for them, not because of how they could help sweeten the deal. At the end of the day, everything’s done in the best interest of the hotel, right? Cajun Cat are good, authentic New Orleans talent. They deserved to be chosen for how well they played.”

“Pfff.” Grim grinned. “You’re a smart girl, Kenna. No one could fault you on your research.”

“Remember that the next time you come at me, Mr. Gates.” I smirked, but it quickly faded when a gorgeous woman walked up to our table. The way she rested her hand on her slight bump, it was obvious to me she was pregnant.

“Grim?” His name from her lips made me go still.

“Talya?” He was suddenly on high alert. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Could we talk?” She looked around at all of us. “Alone.”

Everything inside of me went cold. Suddenly, Leo looked at Jesse, who broke out in a nervous chuckle. Jesse never broke character.

“Oh, shit.”

“Ahh,” Leo joined him in his internal freak out, “Kenna, this is Talya, Grim’s, ahh, friend from Mexico. They lived together for some time.”

“Leo.” Grim cut his rambling words, which sent a jolt through me.

All the air shot from my lungs as words Brick said in the desert found their way back to me.He lived in Mexico for a decade with a gorgeous woman.

“Grim.” Her tone was all business now, as I sat unmoving and watched his colorless face.

“Well, all right, then,” Leo playfully pushed to his feet, “but I’m taking the gin.” He snagged the bottle. “You comin', Paige?”

“It’s your last night. Sure, count me in.” She snagged her shoes and walked in her bare feet after him. She waved and called a goodbye to me as I hopped up and gathered my purse.

“Jesse, make sure Kenna gets to her room,” Grim ordered with a quick glance at me.

“I think I can manage, thank you.” I forced at smile to Talya. “Have a nice night.”

“Gracias.” She looked away.

Once inside the elevator, Jesse’s fingers tapped against his leg like he was freaking out inside.

I took pity on him. “Don’t worry, Jesse. I won’t dig for answers.” The door opened as we reached my floor, and I pulled out my keycard and stopped him from following. “Jason’s wondering what’s up. You should go explain things to him. Something tells me he needs you more than I do.”

He stepped back inside, but as the doors started to close, he stopped them.

“I honestly have no idea what’s happening right now,” his worry was evident, “but for what it’s worth, I’ve always been on team Kenna.”

“Thanks, Jesse.”

He stood and held the elevator doors open until I went inside my suite. I heard the clank as they closed. How the night had changed. I moved like a zombie to the couch and dropped my purse at my feet. I leaned over and pulled out my phone and dialed my person. I needed her more than anything, in the state I was in.

“Is this episode two ofKenna and Grim’s One Snatch to Live?” Minnie chuckled, and I forced all emotion from my voice.

“Min, who is this Talya girl from Mexico?”