The rest of the dinner flowed nicely. I kept Conrad in conversation and pulled in the others when I could. My goal was to show them who we were to lower their defenses. The more I could find things in common, the more they’d feel comfortable.
By the time our dessert arrived, Trahan looked relaxed and there was lots of chatter around the table.
Over the bourbon and after-dinner drinks, Trahan finally turned to Grim and sat back to do business.
“I’ve looked over your contract, Mr. Gates,” he addressed Grim. “I appreciate your meeting my requests and the opportunity does sound like once in a lifetime.”
“So, what’s holding you back?” Grim kept his eyes on Trahan.
“I’ll admit Vegas makes me nervous. My life is here in the south. The thought of such a huge change makes me apprehensive, but I have to admit it’s also very appealing. Appealing enough to accept.”
“What!” Fleur shouted before Grim could react. “I didn’t think you were serious about this, let alone ready to sign, Tratra! How could you do this to me?” Fleur’s eyes positively radiated fury. “What am I supposed to do?”
“Now, Fleur, calm down,” Chef Trahan begged as Fleur sprang up and knocked over her wine glass.
“You’re a bastard. You’re all bastards!”
“It’ll be all right, Fleur.” Leo stood and tried to calm her. “I’m sure you and Chef Trahan will work this out.”
“Work it out!” She slapped Leo’s hand away and got in his face. “You and your brother think you can come out here and take him away, just like that.” She snapped her fingers. “Well, I beg your pardon. No one asked me if I wanted to move. You’ll regret this, all of you.” She practically ran from the restaurant, and we all went silent. I caught Peter’s shrug at Brent like,oh well.Clearly, she hadn’t been part of the plan to come along.
“Well, wasn’t that just something!” Paige went to say more, but Leo put a hand on her arm to stop any further comment.
“I apologize for the theatrics, ladies and gentlemen.” Chef Trahan held up his hands. “Southern belles are known for…livin’ and lovin’ hard. I’ll smooth things out with the little lady shortly.”
“Well, I for one, am very pleased you’re going to join us, Chef.” Grim held up his glass, and we all drank.
“We’ll do our best to make you feel at home, Chef,” Leo added.
“Thanks to Kenna, I’m partway there.”
“What do you mean?” Grim looked at me, confused.
“You signed Cajun Cat last night, right?”
“Well, Kate’s my cousin. You didn’t know that?”
“No,” Grim looked at Leo then at me in shock, “I had no idea.”
“Well, thanks for giving them a chance. It means the world to me, and it also made this decision a lot easier.” He pulled out his contract and signed the last two pages with a flourish.
Grim grinned at me and shook his head like he couldn’t believe it.
* * *
The cork flewin the air, and champagne bubbled over the top as Charlie poured us a glass each.
“Congratulations!” Leo called as we clicked our glasses together. We had all returned to the hotel and decided to continue to celebrate at the bar.
“Shit, sorry, man.” A fellow jostled Grim’s arm as he tried to get the bartender’s attention. I recognized him from the bachelor party the previous night. “I haven’t got my sea legs”
“That’s all right.” Grim moved back slightly. The fellow reeked of beer. Then he spotted me.
“How about we get a table?” I asked as Grim wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I rather liked this new side of Grim. I felt wanted and protected.