Page 81 of Havoc

“It is. Ever been?”

“Yes,” Doug’s eyes widened with excitement, “I have a cabin up there.”

And off they went.

Grim’s hand slid over my leg and gave it a quick squeeze. I was pleased he was happy.

“Grim, I do have to ask.” Trahan cleared his throat. “I heard a rumor that your hotel’s been targeted by the Cartel. Is that something I need to be concerned about? I understand there was a fire, and your hotel was set back a few weeks from its grand opening.”

“No need to worry about rumors, Trahan. You don’t get to where I am today without pissing off a few people along the way, mind you.” Grim was cool as could be. “Rumors have a way of gaining drama as they spread. What’s more entertaining, that there was a backlog in the delivery of a product, or that the Mexican Cartel sent men to delay my hotel opening?”

God, he was good.

“So, it wasn’t the Cartel?” Brent questioned.

“Depends on how exciting a story you want.” Grim winked.

I loved it. He wasn’t confirming or denying the truth.

“Could we have a bottle of Old Rip Van Winkle after dinner, please?” Grim ordered as a waiter leaned in. Peter tuned right in.

“It’s his favorite.” I rolled my eyes like Grim ordered that expensive bottle all the time.

“I should’ve known you’d be a bourbon fan.” Peter rolled up his sleeve and showed off an impressive ink drawing of a decanter. “This is my own brand. I developed it two years ago.”

“You got a card? I’m working with my salesmen next week, and I’d like to give it a try.” Grim put the offered card in his wallet. I’d already sent that information to Grim before the trip, and it was in the works to get a few cases.

“I know you’ll like it.” He sounded confident. “Any of that ink from Mexico?”

Two hooks were now set. Moving on.

Brent and Conrad were quiet and talked among themselves. They drew Trahan in whenever they could. The girlfriend was obviously not a fan of mine and had refused to make eye contact through the meal. I didn’t want to make a mistake and underestimate her.

I could try to win her over, or focus on Brent and Conrad, or I could just focus on Trahan, but something told me Fleur had more of a hold on Trahan than I’d given her credit for.

I nodded at Jesse to make a play at Brent. I found out that Brent had a love of martial arts. I’d given Jesse a watch I’d borrowed from our bartender, Charlie. He had been in a tournament once. It was a weaker play, but I needed to separate Conrad and Brent in order to gain access to Conrad.

Jesse, who had stayed a few feet away through the dinner, but always in earshot of our conversation, moved in and pretended to whisper something to Leo. He made sure to flash the watch where Brent would catch it.

“Nice watch.” Brent eyed it briefly, but it gave me a chance to get Conrad’s attention. I had nothing, so it had to be just me.

“Have you lived here your whole life?” I asked as I stabbed a tomato with my fork.

“Nope, born and raised in a military family. Moved around more times than I can remember. You?”

“Grew up in Los Angeles, later moved to Las Vegas.”

“Do you like it, the fast-paced city life?”

“I do. I’m someone who goes in forty directions at once, and I couldn’t imagine anything else.”

“Sounds intense. Must not leave much room for dating.”

“It doesn’t,” I sipped my wine “but I’m fine with that. I really love what I do, and that alone is fulfilling.”

“Until it isn’t.” He shrugged.

“And when that day comes, I’ll cross that bridge.” I noticed that Fleur had turned away slightly to talk with Paige. I figured she didn’t see her as a threat.