Page 79 of Havoc

“Tits and ass.”

“’Til under the grass.” I chuckled and ended the call. “Shit.” I huffed a cloud of smoke out as I tried to shed everything we talked about.

A pair of tattooed hands slid over the railing on both sides of me, and I turned to meet a set of gold eyes. I wondered how long he had been listening. Hopefully, not long.

He eyed his jacket, then the joint between my fingers.

“Everything okay?”

“Something like that.” I had trouble looking him in the eyes. “What about you?”

“Something like that.” He used my own words as he took my hand and pressed his warm lips to my fingers to take a hit off the joint. It was purely sexual; he’d done it before. He seemed to like finding ways to touch me.

“Did everyone leave?”

“Everyone but Jesse.” Of course, Jesse never seemed to be far from Grim.

“I guess I should go, too.” I handed him the joint and walked back inside. I took off his jacket, but when I went to place it on the back of the chair, he put his hands on my shoulders.

“You started to say something on the dance floor before Jesse came over.”

“I…” I felt my confidence dip. “I don’t remember.”

“That doesn’t seem like you, to forget something.”

“First time for everything.” I shrugged away and handed him his jacket.

“Why do I feel like you’re lying to me?”

“Because you’re not getting your way.” I stepped back. “I think it was just something to do with the band.”

“See, you’re lying.” He followed me to the door then slid his hand around my neck and tipped my head back, so I looked up at him. “Your mouth lies, but your eyes tell me something’s bothering you.”

“Sonny showing up tonight rattled me.” His face softened, and he nodded like he understood. “Sometimes it gets to be a lot,” I confessed, and he rubbed his thumb over my bottom lip. “Goodnight, Grim.”

He leaned down and gently kissed me in that soft way we’d shared earlier. “You know where I am.” His expression confused me. Then he stepped back. “Goodnight, Kenna.”

* * *

This was the make-or-break dinner.I chose to wear red to empower myself and because I read Chef Trahan’s mother loved that color. I needed to pull out the big guns, and I came prepared. I shopped all afternoon with Paige, and we beat the guys to the restaurant.

“This place looks swanky.” Paige looked around as we were seated at a gorgeous table. “I’ve never been here before. Call me crazy, but why aren’t we eating at the August? Isn’t that where Chef Trahan works?”

“Yes, but he’s not going to discuss an offer to work as a chef in someone else’s place while sitting in his current place of employment. That just wouldn’t happen and would be very unprofessional.”

“That’s true.” She admired my dress. “You look amazing.”

“Thank you.” I caught my reflection in a mirror. My deep red dress dipped low in the front and low in the back. It was classy but sexy with some beadwork on the bust. I wore my usual ‘going out’ hair that fell in long, soft curls. I’d made sure my makeup was more dramatic to fit the feel for the place.

My chest tightened for a second when I saw Jason, the security guard Grim had sent with us, suddenly look toward the door. I thought he’d spotted Sonny. I followed his line of sight, and to my relief, it was Leo and Grim. Paige and I stood to greet them, and I had to smile when I saw they were dressed almost like twins. Fine tailored suits, with similar gray ties over light-colored shirts. Even their slicked back hair was the same. If Grim wasn’t tattooed and more muscular, you’d have to do a double take at who was who. They both looked sexy, and more than one head turned as they made their way toward us. We both stood to greet them.

“Evening.” Grim leaned in and kissed my neck. “If that dress was designed to attract my attention, it’s working.” He dragged his gaze up my body, and I smirked. I enjoyed the heat from his hand on my lower back as he helped me into my chair.

“You look hot yourself. You both do.” I nodded toward Leo. He waited until I was seated then settled in next to me. “Chef Trahan should arrive any moment now with his guests.”

“So, did we plan this?” Paige waved her hand from Leo to Grim to indicate their outfits. I swallowed back any more last-minute comments about the dinner as Grim caught my eye. I could see his patience with her was growing thin.

“Great minds, I suppose,” Grim replied. “In fairness, my brother and I both love Brioni.” He pulled at the lapel. “I brought him up right.” He smiled at his brother; Leo grinned back at him. He adored Grim maybe more than he did their father, and that was saying something.