Page 66 of Havoc

“Travels alone?”

“Sometimes, but she sometimes she brings her sister.”

“Good.” I nodded and turned back and picked up my drink as I decided to give them some space. I threaded through a crowd of men who looked to be a part of a bachelor party and up to the fifth floor. I remembered the pool had a nice sitting area, and there’d be no children up at this hour. It should offer a quiet place to let my mind breathe.

It was empty as I hoped, and the breeze felt good and helped to keep the heat down. I found a dark corner and sat on a lounger that overlooked the crescent-moon shaped pool. Beyond that was a spectacular view of the Mississippi River. I took a deep breath and relaxed. Modern torches flickered shadows across the closed bar area, and light music kept the sound of the traffic away.

Kenna’s voice found me. “Hey.” I looked around as she glided into view. Her hair was swept up into a messy bun to keep it out of the water. “Are you following me?”


Her white string bikini glowed in the pool lights. It was so transparent I could see her nipples through the fabric when she came up to the side.

“Cameron’s been blowing up my phone.” She made a face. “I needed a break.”

“I can imagine.” He was always up her ass. He probably even knew she was in the pool.

She looked up at the sky. “Leo made a friend.”

“I saw.”

“Good for him.” She moved until the water was just under her chin then came up again, and the way the water glided down over her skin made my body react. “It’s nice to see him relaxed.”

“It is.” I studied the curve of her breasts, but when she went quiet, I met her eyes. “What?”

“Morgan filled me in a little about how you joined the Devil’s Reach.”Did he, now? “So,which persona do you like better, motorcycle Grim or business Grim?”

“Depends on the situation.” I shrugged and couldn’t think of a time when I’d ever spoken openly about both sides of myself.

“Explain,” she urged, and my natural reaction was to shut her down. I didn’t like anyone digging into my life, but for some reason, I was trying to find the right explanation.

“I started fighting when I was young. Seems I pack a deadly punch. I carry a weapon but prefer my hands. The Devil’s Reach allows me to handle business without fear I’ll tarnish the family name.” I sipped my drink. “So, in that respect, I enjoy wearing the leather, but I also enjoy the business world and I like to stay on top. I want to be the best at everything. I’m power hungry and dominate all things in my life.” I held her gaze for a beat longer, driving my point home.

“Wow. Do tell,” she scoffed.

“Don’t ask if you don’t want to know.” I shrugged and took another sip.

“I do want to know.” She moved closer to the edge of the pool near my lounger and looked up at me.

“You’ve been my greatest challenge, actually.” I raised my glass at her as I thought about why she asked me that question. “Which do you prefer, me in a cut or me in a suit?”

“Hm,” her eyes lit up with amusement, “wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Yes, I would.”

She changed topics. “Are you feeling positive about landing Chef Trahan?”

“I have a few concerns, but we’re as ready as we can be. Thanks to you.” I added that last bit without thought and surprised myself. She pushed back to tread water as though absorbing my comment, then came closer to rest her chin on her hands. “I mean that.” I really did. “That you dug into his friends and got all that info on them. It was impressive.”

“I hope you didn’t mind me including Jesse, but he is head of your security.”

“Jesse does background checks on anyone I deal with. It’s part of his job. The fact you gave him a heads up on the Brent guy, that impressed him as well as me.”

“I’m glad I could help, then.” She smiled then turned and began to swim back across the pool.

Something my mother said a while back repeated in my head.“People underestimate a gorgeous face, son. Kenna is constantly having to prove herself worthy of being in a man’s world. If people would just set aside their own ego and see what she has to offer, the sky would be the limit. Your father sees that, and it would be wise if you did too.”

“How was your meeting with Morey Ines?”