Page 59 of Havoc

“Yeah.” I eyed Morgan. He had his gun drawn and kept watch through the stained curtains.

“I almost wish he hadn’t.” She drew my attention when she looked up at the ceiling. “I let myself in and heard him talking to someone in the bedroom. When I realized he wasn’t alone, I kind of sneaked in quiet. The door was partly open, so I peeked in. He was on a video call. He was talking to a man,” her gaze shifted to mine, “about you.”

“Me?” Something cold washed over me.

“The man was giving Sasha orders to return to Vegas and watch you.”

“What?” I shook my head, confused.

“He was packing his bag as he talked to the guy.”

“Do you have any idea who this guy was?”

“I can show you a video of him.” She pulled out her phone. “Leo has the actual video. I sent it to his office, again thanks to Zara, but he has no idea what’s on it. I figured an extra copy was a smart idea in case I went missing.” She swallowed hard and licked her lips.

She handed me the phone, and I pressed play.


The door was suddenly kicked in, and the phone flew from my hand as I dove for Hanna and dragged her to the floor behind the bed. Two men raced inside. Morgan fired off two shots, but neither man seemed affected. Morgan fell hard as both guys slammed into him. Then a third man entered and swung the butt of his gun at Morgan’s head and knocked him out cold.

One of the men suddenly landed on me hard. He choked on blood, and I realized as he struggled to breathe that he’d been clipped in the neck by one of Morgan’s bullets. With all my might, I pushed him off me in horror as his friend came to help him. Then I looked up at the third man.


“Why the fuck did you have to show up that day!” Sasha’s voice made my lungs seize. He pulled Hanna and me apart and sent me flying across the room.

As I hit the wall, he came for me. I opened my mouth and screamed.

“Hanna. Run!” I barely recognized my own voice, then I dove at Sasha and headbutted him in the gut. He gasped, caught off guard, as she shot out the door. He grabbed me with a murderous expression and backed me up until I hit the wall. My mind frantically tried to find an escape.

He glanced at the two men. One was now obviously dead, the other stood and stared blankly at Sasha. I eyed Morgan, who hadn’t moved since he’d fallen.

“Did she tell you?” He turned his eyes back to me as his fingers dug hard into my arms.

“No, you interrupted.” I tried hard to keep the panic from my voice.

“I don’t believe you.”

“I don’t really care if you do.” I couldn’t stop my mouth.

“You haven’t changed, have you?” He smirked. “Still the smart-mouth girl who always pushed back against her father because she couldn’t see what was happening right in front of her.”

“Feel free to fill me in.” He ran a hand down my arm, but I ripped it away.

“For someone who’s supposed to be so smart, you really are dumb.” He grabbed my arm again then leaned in to smell my hair. “Didn’t you ever wonder why one day we suddenly showed up at your house? Why we never left? Why your mother always tried to keep you away but your father always wanted you to hang around so the men could ogle you? Kinda sick, if you ask me.”

“You’re hurting me.” I pretended to wiggle in pain, and he slacked off his grip a bit. I nudged my knee into position and waited for the moment to strike.

“Well, Kenna, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Daddy fucked up. He made a deal and dragged you into it. I was just supposed to watch over you, but you mistook my interest, and I had a little fun of my own.” He chuckled.

“And are you proud of that? Taking advantage of a young girl?”

“A wild chick who wanted to have some fun, proud doesn’t begin to describe it.”

“You’re disgusting.”

“That’s not what Hanna thinks.” He gave me a nasty smirk before he pulled a gun from his waistband and pressed the barrel against my chest. I hated that I let out a little cry. “Cameron still thinks he can fix things, but I have very little faith in him, especially now Grim Gates is back fucking shit up. His old man’s is dying, and he’s running around piling up bodies. The man’s soulless.”