Page 52 of Havoc

“It’s time we talked.” His green eyes bore into mine as I fought the urge to run. I’d never had a one-on-one with Trigger other than asking him for the favor for my father. Morgan had been with me then for support, and I wished he was now. To say the man was intense was an understatement. I wished I hadn’t changed for bed. My silky, black nightdress barely covered my ass, and my hair was still wet from the shower I’d taken. But here we were.

“You good?” I nodded, and he stroked his chin. He seemed to take a moment to find the right words. The smell of weed and leather filled my nose, and it instantly made me think of Grim.

“Trig.” Brick tossed open the door but stopped short when he spotted us. “The prospects are here cleaning shit up. Should be good by daylight.”

“What are prospects?” a chick asked someone outside the window.

Rail filled her in. “The guys who want to join the club, they need to prove themselves first. They do all the shit work so we don’t have to.” I blocked them out and focused on the others.

“Good,” Trigger grunted over his shoulder, and to my surprise, Brick slid into a seat by the door and pulled out his phone. It interested me that Trigger didn’t tell him to leave, but I was glad he didn’t.

I suddenly felt a little more comfortable and sat a little straighter.

“Why?” he asked as his eyes found mine again. I felt like I’d missed part of his conversation. My brows pinched, and I knew he referred to the murder I’d committed.

“Because.” I paused and thought twice about my words. Now was the time to be as truthful as I could, so I pushed my defenses away and let my mouth run. “Because you guys are more like family than my own. Because I think some of what’s going on involves my father, and I think I might have been witness to more things than I realized over the years.”

“Such as?”

“I don’t know, but I don’t think my killing Matt Myers made me a target. I think I was a target long before. I just didn’t realize it.” I rubbed my hand over my neck as the tension built inside me. Something gnawed at my subconscious like I was on to something. I just wasn’t sure what it was. “Maybe a part of me thinks I did it because I’m trying to make up for what’s to come.”

“The fuck that be?”

“That’s what I’m trying to find out.” I let out the breath I held. “For the record, I never set out to put Minnie in danger. I’d never do that.” I shot Brick a look, and he nodded. “I never meant to kill Matt either. I was just looking for information. I know what I did was stupid, but,” I looked Trigger dead in the eyes, “I won’t promise it won’t happen again. I’m loyal to a fault.”

The skin around his eyes creased as he penetrated my mind, and if a look could squeeze the air from your lungs, Trigger’s would do it. I didn’t back down because it was the one thing I was sure of. Loyalty to the ones you loved. It was what I lived by.

I nearly jumped when his heavy rings hit the table, he leaned back, and one hand threaded through his shoulder-length Mohawk.

“I’d never patch in a chick,” Trigger said, “but if I did, I’d start with you.” My eyes widened, as that was the last thing I thought he’d ever say. I caught Brick’s reaction, and his head shot up and his mouth dropped open.


“I don’t agree with what you did at Minnie’s,” he interrupted me, and I knew now wasn’t the time to speak, “but I sure as shit appreciate you lookin’ out for us.” I gave a tight nod. “You’re a part of this family now, whether you want to be or not.” He knew I did. “Somethin’ to know, if you’re gonna approach a situation like that, chances are it’s gonna go south. You need to know who you’re approaching, who they’re tied to, and when it comes down to you or them, you better be ready to pull that fuckin’ trigger.”

“I can do that.”

“Killing’s the easy part.” He didn’t seem to like my answer. “It’s after that’s shit. Constantly lookin’ over your shoulder, not trustin’ anyone. Betrayal from ones you thought you could trust.” His mask slipped for a second, and I could see the scars that were hidden from view. “And when you’re alone and the silence fills your head, that’s when it starts to change you.” He pointed to his head.

“I understand,” I whispered. I knew what it did to your mind already. It was almost the worst part.

“You’re deep in this, Kenna.”

“I can handle it.”

“Can you?”

The door swung open, and I almost jumped up as Grim came in covered in blood. He nodded at Brick and pulled off his t-shirt, and as he balled it up in his hands, he seemed to notice us. His expression went from pissed off to confused then became unreadable. He took in my wet hair and black nightdress, while I let my eyes roam his rock-hard chest and stomach. A fleeting thought that I couldn’t wait for the day I could truly take in his artwork made me instantly heat.

“The body’s on its way to Cali.” He directed that to Trigger then tossed his shirt in the sink. “I need a shower.” He disappeared into the bathroom.

“If I can handle him,” I head-pointed toward the bathroom then met Trigger’s intense eyes again, “I can handle everything else.”

“Fuckin’ see, won’t we?” He waited for a beat then pushed himself up from the table and left without another word.

“Not even a game plan for when we get back to the city?” I looked at Brick. “I’m glad I’m friends with his wife, because he’s difficult to read.”

“Most I’ve heard him talk in a long time.” Brick huffed. “I hope you know what you’re getting into.”