Page 50 of Havoc


“He’ll get you out safe.” Trigger tried his best to comfort her as I gently worked the panel free. “Mexico taught him some.” I chuckled and thought how true that was.

“Castillo’s men loved blowing shit up,” I added as I moved to a better angle. “It kept their hands clean.” I caught Trigger’s eye, then when he nodded, I flipped the panel free and cut the wire. “Coward’s way of offering souls to the reaper, if you ask me.” I let out a breath and held up the wire. “Time to go.”

“I’m good here.” She locked her muscles.

“No.” I hooked my arms around her and lifted her straight up.

“Grim!” She buried her face in my neck. In that second with her in my arms, Trigger and I leapt away from the truck.Nothing.

“See,” I breathed as I placed her on her feet. “Everything’s?—”

Boom!The truck became a fireball. Kenna screamed as I angled her away from the blast.

“Whoo! Nice tuck-n-roll, Trig,” Rail cheered. “That was intense!”

“Jesus.” Morgan checked his limbs then hooted as he patted around and felt his dick was still in place.

My grip around Kenna loosened as she pulled back to look around. Her hands shook when she ran them through her hair. The light from the flames flickered across her tear-streaked face while the shadows around us danced.

“It’s okay,” I breathed.

“Yeah.” Her voice broke as the guys all gathered around us.

“Shit, what’s with these guys and explosives?” Brick shouted, and we all looked at the fires around us. The stink of gasoline and smoke made our eyes run. “What the fuck was that all about?”

“Stripe Backs trying to make a fuckin’ statement. Better be the last of ’em,” Trigger grunted, rubbing sand from his Mohawk. “You good?” he asked Kenna.

“Yeah,” she repeated, her expression stunned.

“Let’s go.” Trigger turned, and we all hurried back toward the burning trailers. Trig’s famous party spot looked like a war zone. The guys immediately went to check their bikes. Trigger’s face was like stone, but I saw his look of relief that they were okay. They all went to inspect the damage to their respective trailers and gear.

“Hey, Grim,” Brick lit a joint as he approached, “we caught one.” I looked over at him.

“Where?” I snapped my knuckles, feeling my skin heat.

“By Morgan’s trailer.”

I glanced over at Kenna and saw she was in conversation with Morgan.

“Hey,” I made her look over, “you think you can ID someone?” She nodded.

We hurried over to where Tristan and Oz stood next to Morgan’s trailer. The guy had his legs and arms bound. I pointed him out to Kenna.

“Do you recognize him?”

She stepped around me and didn’t hesitate. “He was the one in charge, when they came in the trailer.”

“Is he the one who touched you?” I rubbed my thumb over my fingers, feeding the rage inside me. “Kenna.”

“He never got to do much.” Her lips twitched and she held her head high. I saw her touch her chest, and my gaze dropped to her breasts that were outlined in white silk. The idea of anyone putting their hands on her made me itch to break something.

I slowly turned and faced the son of bitch who had just had his fate sealed with me.

“Rail, gimme your cig.” He didn’t hesitate and held it out. I bent over the man and pulled his head back, then held the tip above the man’s eye. “Why?”

“Fuck you,” he spat, and I pushed the cigarette into his pupil and relished his screams. He screamed and bucked while I let it eat away his vision. “Shit, shit, shit!” I pulled it out and let him drop. Leal and Zhar materialized from somewhere and approached. Both bared their teeth and growled.