“I know. She has a bad habit of not listening to me.” I moved over to the window as he laughed, and I let my mind drift back to when we found her in the elevator.
“Leo! Shut down the floor!” I boomed. “Steven, find out exactly where she came from,” I ordered the security guard who already had his radio in his hand. “You,” I pointed to Freddy the second guard on duty, “find me a fucking head!” His eyes went wide, then he whirled and ran.
Kenna’s gaze latched on to mine, and I saw the moment she let go. I jolted forward and caught her, then lowered her to the floor.
Someone was going to fucking die before the night was done, or blood would spray across the city of Vegas until the truth showed its ugly face.
“Grim,” she whispered, and I looked down at her, “I’m so sorry.”
“Shit.” Leo turned around as he lowered his phone.
“She just passed out.” I lifted Kenna in my arms and hurried into the elevator with Leo right behind me. He pressed the button for her floor, and I wanted to argue that she should come to mine, but I kept my mouth shut. He unlocked her door, and we whisked into her suite.
I carried her past her horrendous white couch and into her bedroom. I noticed her makeup was strewn all over her vanity. I laid her down and studied her for a moment. Blood was on her face from her nose and a swollen lip, but I couldn’t find any other obvious injuries. I just hoped there wasn’t any internal bleeding. Sometimes what didn’t show was worse.
“Here.” Leo handed me an open bottle of tequila and waved it under her nose to draw her awake. Her eyes fluttered open as she moved away from the smell.
“Hey,” I shook her arm gently, “look at me. Do you know where you are?” She looked around and flinched in pain.
“My room.” Her expression registered with me. Fear was there, but also anger.
“Where are you hurt?”
“My side, mostly.” She tried to move, but I stopped her.
“Who did this to you?” I barely recognized my own voice as I took the warm facecloth from Leo and cleaned up her face.
“I don’t know.”
“Don’t lie!” I felt heat flash through me as I fought to control my temper.
“Grim,” Leo warned, and I tried to curb my tone.
“How do you not know?”
“He wore a fucking mask!” She tried to pull away, but I wasn’t allowing it. She took a breath and winced. “Also, his voice was altered.” She evened out her breathing. “Look, Grim.” She put a hand to her head as if it hurt.
“Why are you sorry?” I wanted an answer to that. She squinted at me then seemed to remember, and a look of panic came over her face.
“You need to go. B-both of you need to go.”
“You need to see a doctor first.”
“That wasn't a question,” I shot back and chucked the facecloth in the direction of the table.
“Kenna.” Leo came at her softer, and I fought not to roll my eyes in frustration. She was seeing a doctor with or without her consent. “Can I have a look at your side?” He held up his hands and waited for her to nod.
“Let me.” I released her arm and undid one of the panels on her dress. Her skin was already turning a nasty purple. Anger seeped into my bloodstream. “Does this hurt?” I slid my hand along the damage and felt her flinch.
“I don’t think anything’s broken.” I did her dress back up and noticed a rip in the fabric.
“Did he try to?—”
“No.” Her voice was firm. “Grim, can you guys go now? I really want to rest.” She pleaded this time.
“For now,” I replied through clenched teeth. I hesitated as I saw her eyes gloss over.