“Mom’s in the lobby.” Denton looked up from his phone. Trigger nodded, and I saw Rail smirk like something hit him.
“Is it weird that when you were younger you used to hit on your mom?”
“It was only weird when you hit on her,” he shot back, and we all broke into laughter. “I don’t have any problems with the ladies, right, Kenna?” Denton winked, and Kenna shrugged.
“You’re cute even if you do wear your gun like amurse.” Kenna laughed.
“Thank you,” Minnie called. “I keep telling the kid to tuck it away.”
“The ladies like a piece.” He stood. “I just stand like this,” everyone laughed as he drew his arm back to reveal the weapon, “and the lady’s eyes are drawn there, then they move here,” he pointed to crotch, “and the rest is history.”
“You might catchgirlsthat way,” Kenna shook her head, “but you won’t catch a woman.” She leaned forward seductively and plucked her drink off the table. “See, Denton, a woman is what you really want.”
“Fuckin’ right it is,” Trigger pulled Tess onto his lap and kissed her. Kenna pointed at them and nodded at Denton.
“All right, all right, you’re a woman, Kenna.” Denton lifted his ball cap and threaded his hands through his shoulder length hair before he returned his cap backward. “You’re somewhat closer to my age than these old folks. Teach me your ways.”
“This should be good.” Rail kicked his feet up on the table, and I draped my arm along the back of the couch and got comfortable. This was a side of Kenna I hadn’t seen, and it intrigued me. I wondered how many parties I’d missed with her in the group.
Kenna flipped her hair out of her face, and I caught a whiff of her shampoo. It went right to my groin, and when she leaned forward and I got a view of her breasts, I had an instant flashback of my face buried between them. I had to rein myself in before everyone saw how much she affected me.
“Girls are young,” she started, “and inexperienced. You could blow through twenty of them and never get the rush you’re looking for.”
“I’m not looking to get married.” He grimaced and pretended to put a gun to his head.
“Neither am I,” she laughed, “but a woman comes with experience, maturity, craft.”
“I just want sex.” He made the others laugh, showing his age.
“Well, there’s sex, and then there’s,” she paused, and air quoted, “sex.”
“You have my attention now.” He sat forward.
Mine, too.
“All right, stand up.” She tugged him to a spot where they could face one another. “Show me how you approach a girl.”
“You don’t have to ask me twice.” He grabbed her by the waist and jerked her toward him. “I’ve got a bike with a big engine.” He wiggled his hips. “Wanna see how powerful it is?”
“Fuck,” Tess groaned and put her head in her hands. Kenna peeled herself out of Denton’s hold.
“Can you tell he’s been raised by bikers?” Minnie rolled her eyes. “Kid, have we taught you nothing?”
“Well, Rail said it works,” he shot back.
“He’s still single!” all three girls yelled.
“Why keep all this,” Rail waved his hand down his body, “for just one person when there’s so much Rail to nail?”
“I see your point.” Denton nodded at Kenna. “Continue.” I laughed at Rail as he pretended to be hurt.
“It’s all about your approach. Let’s pretend we’re at the bar.” Kenna pushed her hair off her bare shoulder and grinned at us. She seemed to be getting into it. “You study the liquor on the back wall, wait a beat for her to notice you standing there, you order, then turn to look at her.”
“You could offer to buy her a drink, or if she’s already got one say you’ll get the next round. By doing that, you’re ensuring a chance to talk with her again.”
“Oh, that’s a good one,” Minnie whispered.