“He knew you were home alone tonight?”
“Yes. I panicked and thought what was worse, the ditch or being the Cujo duo’s midnight snack.” I looked around for the dogs.
“Okay.” He cleared his throat, and I looked at him.
“That’s it? No more scary Grim?”
“Not tonight.” He shrugged out of his jacket and tossed it over the chair.
“Good.” I felt like it was a trap but was pleased not to waste any more energy I didn’t have. The yelling took its toll. “I’ll let you get back to your night.”
“No.” He waved for me to follow him to his bedroom. Leal glared at me as I made my way behind Grim. He disappeared into his closet and returned a moment later with a t-shirt. “Put that on and get into bed.”
“I’m confused,” I said as I held it. Then he reached down and tugged the t-shirt I wore over my head. He made a show of reading what was written on it as I stood there in bare feet and my panties. I didn’t cover myself up. He’d seen everything and been everywhere on my body anyway, so I just stood. He homed in on the bruises on my side.
“Jesus.” He shook his head then tossed my t-shirt in his hamper, and then he went into the bathroom and slammed the door.
I shrugged and slid his shirt on and pulled back the covers to his massive bed. I hesitated when a strange feeling came over me. I tried not to think of when Jenelle was there last, or God knew who else. The bathroom door finally opened. He’d stripped down to his boxer briefs, and it wasn’t lost on either of us that he was aroused.
“Aren’t their guest rooms in this penthouse?”
“Should I be in one of them?”
“No.” He pulled back the covers and slid between them. He ordered the dogs to their beds on the far side of the room. “Go to bed, boys.” I heard a low growl, but the click of their nails told me they did as they were told.
“Goodnight, Kenna.” He turned off the light.
“It’s a rumor, but you know Kenna. Anything for attention.” Calli had just finished her story about how Kenna had been attacked. Her father never mentioned it, but leave it to her sister to make Kenna sound like a crazy person. “Hopefully, your old friend,” she waved her hand around, “you know…”
“Yes, that’s his name. Hopefully, he can get the truth on what happened.”
Kenna hadn’t called me back because she had been attacked. Made sense.
“So, what’s it like being in a room with him?” She nodded at Trigger, who had just arrived. I’d asked him to meet me here for a quick chat.
“Intense.” We watched him stop and talk to Minnie, who had intercepted him at the entrance. She seemed upset, by the way her hands moved about in front of her as she talked. Trigger nodded and looked around and caught my look. His face wore the same murderous expression he always seemed to have whenever I was around. Maybe he always looked that way.
“Just intense?” Calli wanted more, so I moved my attention to her before she started to pout.
“Picture being in a room with someone after you just watched them slaughter a bunch of people, then you have to share a meal with him. Your mind spins with the horror of it, your nerves are shot, and your stomach begs to turn inside out.”
“I’m really glad I asked.” She made a disgusted face. “Well, on that note, I’m going to let you and that,” she looked at Trigger, “get to your meeting. I need sleep. See you later?” She blinked down at me, and I nodded. “Kiss, kiss.” She made the motion and left as Trigger arrived.
Here we go.
I stood and gave a polite nod, remembering he didn’t like to be touched.
“Thank you for meeting me so late.” I glanced at the time on my watch. It was well past three in the morning, but it was Vegas, after all, and no one here ever thought much about the time. The Devil’s Reach were basically nocturnal, anyway.