My head snapped around to see Blaze smirking. “Seriously! You gave him a loaded pistol?”
“I thought you wanted to give him a fair chance. Besides, I only put one bullet in it. Don’t be a baby.” Blaze heaved a heavy sigh. “I still don’t believe he got what he truly deserved.”
“No, maybe not but it’s finally over. Bri is free from him. She will never have to look over her shoulder wondering if this piece of shit is waiting to torment her again, and I got some retribution.”
Blaze took a cigarette out of his jacket pocket and lit it. “Retribution is magical, but so is something else I would rather be doing right now. Let’s get this mess cleaned up so we both can enjoy the remainder of the evening.”
My phone rang. I took it from my pocket and silenced it. The same number had been calling a few times a day for the past month.
“When were you planning on telling me that your uncle was the leader of the Irish mafia?”
I should have been surprised that Blaze knew of my connections, but he always managed to be a step ahead of everyone. “How long have you known?”
He rolled his eyes. “Since the day you gave me inside information about Sevan. Did you think I wouldn’t research to find out who your sources were?”
“I never wanted to acknowledge it, not after what my father did.”
“I can understand that, but the old man isn’t going to give up.”
I walked a few steps away. “I have had my uncle’s number for years, but never called it until I wanted information about Sevan. That information came with a price. My uncle wants to meet with me. He seems determined that I take my rightful place among the family.”
“You don’t want it, don’t take it.”
“It’s not that simple.”
The phone rang again.
Blaze’s eyes narrowed. “For fuck’s sake, just answer the damn thing and get it over with.”
I took my phone out of my pocket and answered the call. “I’m a little busy at the moment.”
“Aye, but ye will make time for me tonight. I am waiting outside the building that houses your penthouse. There are things we must settle before I fly back to Boston.”
The phone went silent.
“Go, I’ll finish up here.”
I nodded toward Blaze, thankful he didn’t ask for an explanation.
Driving from the chambers back into the city seemed to take twice as long as usual. I was angry. Angry that my uncle refused to take no for an answer and even angrier at myself for considering the offer he had made.
When I pulled up in front of the penthouse, I tossed my keys to the valet and strode toward my uncle who was standing beside a man who looked to be about my age and height, wearing a near identical menacing expression on his face.
“Do you wish to conduct business on the street, or do you prefer to follow me to my office?”
“Yer office will do.”
My uncle and the man escorting him followed me inside the building to the elevator. Once inside my office, I walked over to the bar and poured myself a drink. “Would either of you like something? I don’t have Irish whiskey, but I’m sure I have something that meets your tastes.”
My uncle used his cane to walk forward and take a seat. The man with him stayed beside the door.
“No, we don’ have long, and I want to get business over with. Perhaps we can toast to the future another day.”
I took another sip of bourbon. “Why are you here?”
He sighed heavily. “I know that ye are not eager to embrace yer family. After what your da did to ye I can’t blame ye for the hard feelings ye harbor, but regardless of the past, ye are indeed a Delaney.”
I had heard this speech before and was not impressed.