His expression turned quizzical. “You love her, don’t you?”
I scoffed at the suggestion. “Don’t be ridiculous. If you are unable to step aside from your duties, I will assign one of my other men to the task.”
He stepped away and bent over to pick up his gym bag. “I will give it some thought.”
That’s all I could ask.
“Let Bri know I will stop by tomorrow for another lesson if she is free.”
I stayed behind while he walked to the elevator, wondering how my concern for Bri’s safety could be interpreted as love. Love was an emotion more dangerous than any of the threats I had faced. No, Michael was too much of a romantic. Lust, desire, and the urge to possess her and protect her, yes. But love?
After soaking for a good thirty minutes in the hot whirlpool, letting my sore muscles relax and recuperate, I closed my eyes and let the water attempt to wipe away the tension in my body. Unbidden images of Rogue and how he touched me floated through my head. My hand involuntarily slipped between my legs to find the place he always knew just how to touch that would make me come unglued. A short soft sigh passed through my lips as my fingers moved over me, but it was nothing like the feelings Rogue elicited when he touched me. Just the thought of him and how he made me feel was almost enough for me to reach a climax.
“While I would love to continue watching you, or better yet, become an active participant in your explorations, I’m afraid that I have a meeting at the club in about an hour, and I need you to come with me.”
My eyes flew open as embarrassment rushed over me at being caught doing something so intimate to see Rogue standing over me, a fresh towel in hand.
I instinctively crossed my arms over my breasts and scooted farther down into the water.
“No need to be shy or embarrassed now, sweetheart. Not after last night.”
I pushed myself up from the tub and reached for the towel. “I wasn’t embarrassed, just startled.”
His arm snaked around my waist as he lifted me from the tub with no concern for the water or soap bubbles dripping from my body. The material of his shirt was rough against my skin, and I had an intense desire to feel his skin against mine. But before I could put thought into action, he set me on my feet and stepped away.
“We need to leave for the club within the hour, will that be a problem for you?”
I wrapped the towel tighter around me. “No, I can be ready.”
He nodded and walked away back toward the bedroom, presumably to change his clothes since what he was wearing now was wet from where he had lifted me from the tub.
By the time I had dried off and styled my hair, he had already changed and was no longer in the bedroom. I selected a simple but elegant royal blue dress, grabbed a pair of Louboutin heels, and went in search of Rogue. I found him wearing a tailored gray suit, his back was to me as he was standing by the windows looking down at the city below. He looked to be deep in thought, and I contemplated going back into the bedroom and giving him time alone.
I turned, careful not to make a sound, but his deep voice stopped me.
“There is no way for me not to know when you enter a room, Angel. I can sense your presence long before my eyes lock on yours.”
I turned to find him looking toward me. “I was trying not to disturb you. You looked distracted.”
He nodded and held his hand out to me. “Nothing distracts me more than your presence. Come, there are things we must discuss.”
I felt my stomach flip at his words. His demeanor was different. Whatever he was about to tell me was not going to be something I liked. Could he have tired of me already as Blaze suggested he would? Or perhaps he was just tired of the drama that seemed to follow me. Either way, I took a short breath and stepped toward him, trying to prepare myself for whatever he was about to say.
When I was in arms reach, he took both of my hands in his and raised them to his lips, kissing my bruised knuckles.
“What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?”
He released my hands and stood a little straighter. “Things have occurred that will require more of my attention than I would have liked. I am not certain how long it will take, but you will be seeing a lot less of me. I may have to leave the city.”
I listened but resisted the urge to wrap an arm around my waist. A wave of nausea washed over me, and I felt as if I would be sick. My head bobbed in acknowledgment to let him know that I was listening.
“You will no longer be able to stay here at the penthouse.”
I felt my knees wobble, but I managed to keep it together. A part of me knew this was coming and while I thought I was prepared for it, I guess I wasn’t. My heart began to hurt, and a million thoughts ran through my mind. Had I fallen in love with Rogue? Had I been stupid enough to lose my heart to a man that I knew would hurt me eventually? Or was he simply my safety net, protecting me from Tony?
I squared my shoulders and said a silent prayer that my voice wouldn’t crack when I spoke. “I understand. I will be alright. There is no need for you to worry about me. I can be packed and out of here in a few minutes.”