“I’m already here.”
He hung the phone up and I cursed inwardly. This was exactly what we had not wanted to happen. We wanted to make the first move and for Petros to strike the Bratva first showed not only his arrogance but his ignorance.
Steam rose from the shower as I let the hot water clear my head. I showered quickly and dressed. Bri had fallen back asleep, and I did not want to wake her. The last thing I needed right now was for my head not to be in the game. I needed to speak with Nik and make plans should Petros try something against my organization.
Chapter Sixteen
When I stepped into my office, I expected to see Blaze pacing back and forth uttering a stream of curses under his breath, but it was empty. There was an intense pounding in my head that was increasing in intensity by the minute, and I couldn’t shake the feeling that this was my fault. I should have acted before allowing Petros to make the first move. For the first time in my life, I had allowed myself to be distracted, to let lust for a woman affect business and now because of my lack of focus, Petros, a man that should have been of no consequence to any of us had dealt the first blow, drawing first blood.
I was angry, angry at myself for not listening when Blaze tried to convince me to take the threat seriously. I still didn’t know exactly what had happened, how bad the attack had been, or if there were casualties. I was hoping Blaze would be there to fill me in, but I couldn’t wait any longer for him. I had to call Nik. He picked up on the first ring.
“Hmm, glad to see you were finally able to free yourself from your more pleasurable pursuits. Don’t take offense. If I had a woman that looked like your little kitten, I would have a hard time thinking with something other than my dick too.”
I bit back the angry retort on the tip of my tongue. Nik meant nothing by his words, he was just naturally an asshole. “Blaze informed me that Petros made an unexpected move against you last night but did not give me any details.”
“Unexpected, yes. Successful, no. Let me give you the abbreviated version. The young Petros made two attempts last night, both attacks were synchronized clusterfucks. A group of his men tried to rob one of my casinos, conveniently at the time we were getting ready to transport funds, while another group almost simultaneously ambushed me and some of my men when we were across town away from the strip, at a place I am fond of for conducting more private business. We were just concluding…let’s just say that I was finishing up negotiations with a competitor. Anyway, as we were cleaning up, Petros and twelve of his men opened fire. Really a sloppy attempt, I’m surprised he was even allowed the power that he has been given. I understand he was his father’s heir, but for fuck’s sake, either his father refused to train him in the way of things, or he is just a fucking idiot.”
I pinched the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes, hoping I could summon whatever patience I had. “I have already surmised that. What the hell happened? Did you lose any men?”
Nik huffed a short, abbreviated laugh. “Do you truly believe a man like Petros would be a worthy opponent? No, the men who attacked the casino were killed as soon as their intentions were known. Unfortunately, we were not able to eliminate the threat entirely. Petros and a few of his men did manage to escape. It would have been nice not to have to concern ourselves with the fool a second longer, but it also wouldn’t have been fair for me to have all the fun for myself. At least Blaze is excited about the prospect of violence.”
“Yes, I’m sure he is. It is bothersome at times, but useful. Are you certain Petros will be headed to Chicago?”
“There were a few of his men left behind that did survive the bloodbath. After intense interrogation, they admitted thatChicago is the next target. Although, after losing the majority of the men foolish enough to follow him, I’m not certain if he will continue with his plans or if he will regroup. Whatever he decides, I think it wise to find him before he finds you. Petros is a reckless bastard that needs to be stopped, but reckless bastards have been known to get lucky a time or two.”
“Yeah, I will handle it.”
“Are you certain you can manage?”
The fact that Nik felt he could ridicule me made me furious. “Are you trying to insinuate that I can’t?”
“No, I never insinuate. If I thought you couldn’t handle it, I have the balls to come right out and tell you. But perhaps I can offer my assistance in another way. Your young beautiful bride, is she safe with you? I could come to Chicago and take her with me, bring her here to Vegas where I would employ all the resources of the Bratva to take care of her until you are free of Petros. And what about Tony Galante? Is he still searching for her? From what I hear, he is more of a threat than Petros. If you wish, you can think of my offer as a belated wedding gift.”
“There is no way I would allow your lecherous hands anywhere near my wife. I don’t need your help where she is concerned.”
“Very well, my friend. But I have seen firsthand the brutality of Frankie Ballantine. He is not a man you want to piss off.”
I was swiftly losing my temper. “I don’t give a fu…”
Nik quickly interrupted me. “I also know that he does not have a loving relationship with his stepson. To say they areestranged is an understatement. It has been reported to me that he has threatened to kill Tony himself. So, you may be free to do as you please. While I am confident in my sources, I would check this information with Alessio since his father knew Frankie personally.”
“Why were you looking into Tony Galante?”
His laugh was brief. “I thought it would be in my best interest. Besides, if something happens to you, I would like to think I would be there to comfort and console your grieving widow.”
I hung the phone up before I said something that would destroy a relationship that couldn’t be repaired.
“Nik is just fucking with you.”
I turned quickly at the sound of Blaze’s voice. “You were right. If I had sent her away as you suggested, I would have been able to deal with Petros before he had an opportunity to strike Nik. She distracted me.”
He walked over to the bar, poured a glass of bourbon, and held it out for me. “Yes, I was right, but I believe Petros still would have struck Nik first. I think after the failed assassination attempt outside the club, he had his mind set on it. At least he is hurting from the losses Nik and the Volkoff Bratva inflicted on him. He will be easy enough to sniff out, the wounded always are.”
“Contact Sevan and find out if he has any information as to his whereabouts. I think we should go for the kill now before he has time to regroup. I will send out feelers and once we find him, I don’t want to hesitate. I want to attack and finish him. I’m tired of this son of a bitch causing problems in my circle.”
The sadistic grin on Blaze’s face showed me that he was on board and more than ready for a fight; he always was.