Page 32 of Fiercely Protective

“It makes it easier for me to manage who is allowed entrance that way.” His smile faded. “I was speaking the truth when I said I receive death threats and assassination attempts routinely.”

I felt as if something was stuck in my throat. I took a sip of the wine as I let my eyes move around the room, taking note of the security he had stationed at every window, every entrance, and I didn’t see how anyone would be able to get to this man.

“I need to use the restroom.”

Nickolai stood from his seat as did Blaze.

“It is down the hall to your left.”

Blaze took my arm. “I will escort you.”

I shook my head desperately, just wanting a few minutes to myself, time to clear my head and think. “That will not be necessary.”

Nickolai moved from around the table. “The room has no windows and there is only one way out. She will be safe to go alone.”

Blaze nodded, but I could sense his reluctance. “I will be watching for you, little one.”

I turned and made my way past two of Nickolai’s rather large guards and down the narrow and dark hallway to the ladies’ restroom. Once inside I immediately went to the sink and turned on the water. I only needed a few minutes away from the table, away from the dangerous men surrounding me, and away from the ominous threats that surrounded them.

My chest heaved as I breathed in and out, almost on the verge of hyperventilating. My heart was pounding, but if I didn’t get back out there soon, there was no doubt in my mind that someone would be coming to retrieve me. So, I washed my hands and took a few more deep steadying breaths to calm myself before opening the door.

I stopped suddenly when I was met by a rather large and intimidating force. Nickolai was leaning against the wall waiting for me.

“I thought we could have a few minutes alone to…talk.”

I instantly became more alert. “Where is Blaze?”

“He is being detained for the moment; a feat not easily done I might add. And I am not sure how long my men will be able to hold him.”

“What do you want to talk about?”

He stepped closer, looking down at me intensely. “You.”

He began closing the space between us so that I was trapped between his body and the only exit. My eyes darted past him, expecting to see Blaze or Rogue coming to my defense at any time, but right now, I was alone.

“I assure you that I am not at all interesting nor am I worth your time.”

He leaned closer and studied me as if he were sizing me up. “I can see where Rogue finds your innocence appealing. It is both fascinating and enchanting. But will a woman as pure and guileless as you be able to withstand this world? Are you strong enough to belong to a man with so much power, a man who can easily crush his enemies and anyone who makes the mistake of crossing him? Or are you here for some other purpose? Is all this sweetness just an act to get close to him? Could it be that you are the distraction meant to bring him down?”

He was baiting me. I tried to swallow the lump that seemed to be stuck in my throat. “That’s a lot of questions.”

“I am just trying to make certain that you aren’t hiding something behind that beautiful smile and sexy body.”

He leaned closer and regarded me with curiosity. “Fuck, I can almost smell your purity. Are you truly so virtuous, Miss Rogers? Or is it all make-believe?”

Warning spasms of alarm moved through me, and I pulled away. “Don’t touch me.”

He tilted his head to the side, his voice dipping an octave lower. “I am not accustomed to people telling me what to do,ptichka, but I assure you that I have no wish to anger my friend by touching what is his, no matter how tempting you may be.”

I had already had a hell of a morning and I had enough of this man trying to frighten me, or intimidate me, or whatever he was doing. I pushed against his chest, and he took a step back. “I am stronger than you think, and I do not belong to anyone. The past few days have been very long, more than a bit disturbing, and quite frankly I have grown tired of everything. So, get the hell out of my way or do whatever it is that you came here to do.”

His dark frown turned up slightly at the corners of his mouth, and I moved past him and walked back to the table where I saw Blaze being physically restrained. Rogue walked back inside at the same time, his eyes moving from Blaze to where Nickolai followed me from the hallway. His eyes seemed to burn with anger as he came to me.

“Trying to intimidate her? You should know better, Nik. Don’t make me kill you.”

Nickolai’s men immediately pulled out their pistols, but he held up his hand and they quickly lowered them.

“No worries, my friend. I was the perfect gentleman. I did not touch her.”