I wrapped the sheet around me and stood from the bed. “Arrangements for me?”
He stepped closer but didn’t reach out to touch me. “I do have some good news. Alessio received word that Tony Galante’s stepfather forced him to return to New York. You no longer have him to worry about. He is no longer in the area and according to Alessio, Tony was given an ultimatum to leave you alone or be left on his own. His stepfather will not intercede for him.”
I pulled the sheet tighter over me. “Tony is gone, and he agreed to never come for me again? I find that hard to believe.”
“That’s right, sweetheart. Tony is no longer your problem, but know this, once I have disposed of the threat from the Armenians, I still have every intention of finding him and killing him for what he has done to you. I promise that you will forever be free of the fears that haunt you, Angel.”
“If he has left Chicago and has no plans to return or seek me out, there is no need to kill him. Will that not cause trouble between you and his stepfather? He is a hitman for God’s sake. You shouldn’t antagonize him.”
“There is no need to argue with me. Tony’s fate was sealed the minute he hurt you, and for that, he must pay. But all of that can wait. You are not to worry. Once the Armenians are dealt with, I plan on taking you away somewhere special.”
I wanted to know more, but his phone rang on the other side of the room, and he quickly walked over to grab it. His eyes narrowed and I saw the muscle clench in his jaw.
“Give me an hour.”
He grabbed the phone tighter. “Go back to bed, Bri. I’ll have the chef prepare breakfast and one of the maids will bring it to you in an hour or so.”
I didn’t get the chance to ask where he was going or when he would come back before he hurried from the room. It didn’t matter. I knew he wouldn’t answer me and a part of me didn’t want the truth. I crawled back into the bed, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep now.
The video Blaze had sent to my phone showing Petros and Sevan meeting on the same day that Sevan had told Blaze that he had not seen or heard from the young fool confirmed our suspicion that Sevan was using us to take Petros out so it would be easier for him to take control. It still pissed me off that I didn’tsee through his ruse sooner, but his machinations would not go unpunished. Anyone who attempted to play me for a fool would pay for their mistake.
I stopped my car in front of the high-rise building expecting Blaze to be waiting for me. After meeting with Michael and double-checking the security around the mansion, Alessio had agreed that Tomas’ skills would be more useful in helping take down Petros and Sevan. The fact that Tomas would be joining us on the hunt was bound to put Blaze in an even fouler mood than usual. Hopefully, we could find and eliminate our targets before the two of them killed each other. Normally I enjoyed watching the animosity between the two of them fester, but not today. There was too much to be done.
Before I could step from the car, I caught sight of Blaze walking out of the building, a deep frown on his face and a fresh cut above his right eye.
I didn’t hesitate. “Where the fuck are we going?”
“My place. Petros and his men are about to make a move. They plan on burning the warehouses off of 14thafter dark and then hitting the other warehouse out of the city right after. There are only twenty or so of his men left, but we don’t know how many Sevan has with him.”
I nodded. “And as soon as we take down Petros, Sevan will show his true colors.”
Blaze didn’t bother to confirm my suspicions.
“Where are Tomas and Alessio?”
“Alessio will meet us later. Tomas is tending to a black eye and it’s not my place to keep track of him anyway.”
“The two of you couldn’t hold back until this was over. Does the cut over your eye need stitches?”
He didn’t bother responding.
When we arrived at Blaze’s apartment, he gathered his favorite weapons, the ones he preferred when violence was necessary. If everything went as expected, Petros and all the men who worked for him would be dead before the night was over. Then I would deal with Sevan myself.
Seven Hours Later
Alessio and Blaze were on the south side of the warehouse covering the rear entrance, and Tomas was set up on the east end with a sniper rifle covering me. I planned on facing Petros head-on. The area around the warehouses was dark, the security guards that were normally on duty had all been dismissed and sent home. I didn’t want anyone other than the four of us here tonight.
I was dressed in my favorite black suit, I felt that being professional was always important regardless of the circumstances. I just hoped it wouldn’t be covered in blood before the night was over. My phone vibrated with a notification from Blaze alerting me to the fact that Petros and some of his men had arrived on location. It pleased me to know that Petros was so easily walking into the trap we had set. The man trulywasn’t worthy of the responsibilities that had been passed down to him from his father.
A dark car drove toward the building where I waited patiently. Six men got out of the car, one holding a black duffle bag, all of them armed. I watched for the others to show or to get in their positions. Tomas texted that there were about twelve of them. Another car pulled up, and I needed Petros to be in it. He was known to often send his men to do the work while he hid, I hoped tonight was not one of those times. One of the men ran to open the backdoor, and I was relieved to see Petros step from the vehicle. He was wearing dark sunglasses even though it was midnight.What a prick. His black hair was slicked back, and he was wearing a black hoodie underneath a black wool peacoat. He adjusted his coat as he looked around the warehouses, trying to portray confidence that this would be an easy task for his men.
I knew Blaze was positioned on the other side of the complex prepared to handle an assault from the rear and Tomas was an excellent sniper, so I stepped out from behind the large shipping container where I had been waiting and walked out into the open. Petros and his men looked confused. Some pointed their weapons at me, while others darted around looking for the ambush they were now realizing they had walked into.
Petros moved confidently to the center, two men flanking him as I walked forward…alone.