I looked up at her. “Yes, I thought it would be wise and give me something to do. Michael graciously has been teaching me the proper way to punch and how to get out of submission holds if someone tried to grab me. I thought it would make me feel more secure.”
“Oh, that sounds awesome! I want to learn to. Do you mind if I join in on a few of your lessons?”
The other man who had remained silent the whole time immediately spoke up. “Not on my watch, princess. You expect me to allow you to be manhandled and then for Alessio to return to find you covered in bruises or hurt while learning these moves…no, it’s not going to happen.”
She crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes. “I’ll handle Alessio. It will be fun, and you can’t tell me that it is a bad idea, especially considering the trouble all of you get into on a regular basis.”
Her mention of trouble reminded me of the reason Rogue had sent me away. I looked back to Michael. “Where is Rogue?”
“He and Blaze received word on the whereabouts of the Armenian, Petros Sargsyan, who has been attempting a takeover of both Rogue and Nickolai Volkoff’s businesses. He was behind the attempt on Nickolai’s life the day you went to the club for your interview.”
I folded my hands together, trying to hide the anxiety I was feeling. “Rogue had told me that there were other factors, things that didn’t concern me. I suppose that was what he was talking about.”
Eden took a seat beside me. “It is always distressing when Alessio puts himself in danger. I often have a hard time keepingmy mind free of everything that could go wrong, so I understand exactly what you are feeling. But since we are together, perhaps that will make it better. We can distract each other, and now we have Father Michael to teach us some of his skills.”
“Fuck, Alessio is going to kill me, princess. I’m going to walk around the perimeter and check security so at least I will have an alibi,” Tomas said as he walked from the room, leaving the three of us alone.
“I think I would like that coffee now.”
Michael immediately got up and walked over to the coffee pot. After settling the cup in front of me, along with cream and sugar, he put a hand on my shoulder. “Everything will be alright, Bri. I may have been away from this life for a few years, but one thing I know hasn’t changed is Rogue’s ability to take down anyone who opposes him.”
“When will I see him? When will he come here?”
“I don’t know. He was insistent that it would be easier for you if he stayed away until he had taken care of everything. I tried to change his mind, but he was already set on this course. To be honest with you, I’m not certain if he is trying to make things easier for him or you.” He winked. “Stay here and rest. You still look exhausted. Later today if you feel like it, we can practice. The entire house is at your disposal. It is quite large so it may take you awhile to learn your way around.” He glanced over at the beauty beside me. “Mrs. Messina, it has been a pleasure to meet you.”
“And you as well, Father Michael.”
I wrapped both hands around the warm mug of coffee and pondered everything Michael had said.
“If you would prefer to be alone, I can find something to do. I saw that the house has a library as well as a large media room. I am more than capable of entertaining myself.”
I gave her a small smile. “No, I wouldn’t mind the company. The past few days have been crazy. I’m sure you wouldn’t even believe it if I told you everything.”
She laughed at that. “You think you had an unusual courtship and marriage? I will have to tell you about how I met Alessio.”
After talking and laughing hysterically for two hours while sitting in the media room, I knew that I liked Eden Messina. She was as sassy as she was beautiful, and it was good to know that someone like her had adapted so well to her unconventional marriage and the life she now led. She made it look easy as if being married to a dangerous man, a killer, was nothing out of the norm. It gave me hope.
Before dinner, Michael took both of us to the gym where he showed Eden some of the moves that he had tried to teach me earlier. It was all done under the watchful and disapproving eye of her bodyguard, Tomas.
After a delicious dinner prepared by the private chef who had been hired to work here at the estate, all I wanted to do was take a hot bath and climb into the large bed in the master suite and sleep. But once my head hit the pillow, I was reminded of how it felt to be alone, of the nights I spent in my old apartment, waiting for the sun to rise because I couldn’t sleep, or watching old reruns ofSeinfeldorFriendsto fill the silence. I plumped up my pillow and turned to my side, looking at the empty side of the bed, and I began to worry. I didn’t need confirmation from Eden Messina or Father Michael to know that what Rogue wasinvolved in was dangerous or that it was not uncommon for the men he called his friends to be surrounded by death. What I wasn’t sure of was if I could meld into this world as Eden had done. Could I get used to going to bed alone knowing there was the possibility that Rogue may not come home? Eden seemed so at ease with all the danger that surrounded them, but I wasn’t sure I would ever be.
Chapter Twenty
I had not intended on returning to the mansion until I had concluded the business of killing Petros Sargsyan and then of course there was the score to settle with the lying snake Sevan who had used me as a tool to get rid of his rival because he was too cowardly to do so himself. But after a long day of nothing, no sign of the Armenians, and no word from Sevan, all I wanted was her. It was an inherent need. To see her, touch her, hear her voice, and know that she was mine and that she was safe.
The house was dark and quiet when I arrived. Security was in place, but mostly out of sight as they had been instructed to be. I made my way up the dual staircase toward the master suite. I seldom came here. It had been a few years since I had stepped foot inside the mansion. I kept a small staff to take care of the house and to keep it ready in case it was needed, but I had always preferred to stay in the city, closer to the club, closer to my assets. The house was purchased as an escape or for times when I needed to entertain business associates away from the loud boisterous nights at the club.
While I enjoyed being surrounded by hedonism, I felt a strong need to keep my innocent angel away from it. She was the only thing pure I had ever possessed in my life. This house, with its light airy feel, soft color schemes, and gardens suited her. I could picture her strolling the grounds, working in the gardens, and making this a home. It was an illusion I had never allowed myself to believe could exist for me.
The door to the master suite opened noiselessly and I stepped quietly toward the bed. The room was dark except for the small sliver of moonlight pouring through the white sheer draperies, giving just enough light that I could see her face. She was peaceful. No nightmares tonight, no hint of the fear she had felt at the hands of Tony Galante. I removed the coat I was wearing and unbuttoned the sleeves of my white shirt as I walked over to sit in the large chair by the window. As much as I wanted her right now, I didn’t want to wake her. Seeing her was enough…for now.
As I watched her sleep, the realization came to me that I would do whatever it took to keep this woman safe, to make her happy, to give her all the things she had been denied. And while a part of me knew the only way to truly keep her safe would be for me to stay away from her, to let her go. I knew it couldn’t be done; it was an impossibility. I didn’t have that kind of willpower. So, being the beast that I truly was, I would drag her light into the darkness with me.
A sweet sound from the bed drew my attention as she rolled over in her sleep, her long slim leg slipping from beneath the covers. My dick hardened as my eyes followed the length of it from her ankle to her upper thigh before it dipped beneath the sheets, shielding the rest of her from me. She was perfection, everything I was not.
I settled back into the chair, wishing I had brought a glass of whiskey upstairs with me. Her sleep became restless, and she rolled over again, this time giving me a view of the gentle slope of her breasts. My fingers itched to touch her, and I was almost ready to give in to my desires when I saw her eyes open. At first, I thought she might still be sleeping; she didn’t react right away as if she wasn’t sure she was seeing me, then she sat up quickly.