“Should we try again?”
“No.” We both turned our heads at the gruff voice on the opposite side of the gym.
Rogue was walking toward us now and from the frown on his face, he wasn’t very happy.
Michael helped me back to my feet and I took a second to wipe the sweat from my forehead. “Did you see? I finally got in a punch?”
Rogue’s eyes flicked over me and then back to Michael. “I saw.” He looked back at me, and I watched his lips turn up slightly. “I hope you are pleased with yourself, hitting a priest.” He snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. “I hope you know that if I had seen any other man abusing you the way I have watched Michael throw you around for the past twenty minutes, they would have already been dead by now.”
My eyebrows arched as I looked between the two men. “You are being overly dramatic and don’t be mean to my teacher. Besides, you aren’t always around.”
He leaned over and kissed my cheek. “Well, you have had enough for one day. Blaze is waiting just outside the door to escort you back to the penthouse. I need to speak with Michael.”
I nodded, not at all disappointed to have my session cut short. I hated to admit it, but I was exhausted and a little sore.
“Thank you again, Michael. When will we have another session?”
“I will discuss my schedule with Rogue, and he can let you know. Soak your knuckles. I’m sure they are a little bruised.”
I glanced back at Rogue before walking toward the door where I could see Blaze waiting for me.
“Did you have a good time with the priest, little one?”
“It was a lot harder and more challenging than I thought it would be. I’m sure I will feel it tomorrow. Why does Rogue look so angry?”
A deep brief chuckle escaped his lips. “He doesn’t like the idea, and he wasn’t overly fond of seeing you manhandled, even if it was by Michael.”
“I know Rogue doesn’t like the idea of me having to protect myself, but if I do find myself in a situation where I am forced to defend myself, doesn’t it make sense for me to be prepared? I’m just tired of being afraid, always looking over my shoulder, expecting to see him come after me.”
He held up his hands. “I never said I thought it was a bad idea, little one. I think it’s smart and once Michael finishes training you on how to punch and get yourself out of submission holds, I will teach you how to handle a knife.”
“You will?” I asked excitedly
“Just don’t tell Rogue.”
I gave him a sly smile. “It will be our secret.”
The elevator doors opened, and while I hoped that I never needed the training Michael was giving me, I did feel more empowered, more sure of myself, and hopefully in time, that would translate into less fear and anxiety.
“How is your nose?”
Michael’s smile widened. “I barely felt it.”
“That’s what I thought. You let her hit you, didn’t you?”
He looked away. “Yes, I felt she needed a win today.”
My eyes narrowed. “I don’t want her to be deceived into thinking she is more powerful than she is. It could very well get her hurt.”
“A confidence boost isn’t going to hurt her, Rogue. Besides, we are all hoping she never needs to use any of what I am teaching her. The security detail you assigned to her will quickly take care of any threats that may arise before she even has a chance to become aware of any danger.”
I knew my security was strong but with her, I wanted more. “I could use an extra man watching over her, a man I can trust. At least until I am free of Petros Sargsyan.”
His face darkened and his smile slipped into the frown I had seen so often in the past. “Are things really so serious?”
My shoulders shrugged. “As I have said before, it is nothing I can’t handle. But I would like to take extra precautions where Bri is concerned.”