Page 64 of Fiercely Protective

I agreed with Blaze. “When you get the number, do whatever it is that you do. I want to find him before he has a chance to find her.”

“Where are you going? The club is busy tonight. You should stay. There is plenty of pussy for the both of us.”

I shook my head as a smile curved my lips. “I have other plans for the evening, but feel free to fill your bed with as many women as you like.”

He laughed as we walked from the office. “I will take that as a challenge. I do have a personal best to beat.”

The thought of having another woman in my bed no longer interested me. All I wanted was her, my angel.


Rogue had made certain that I couldn’t leave the car even if I had wanted to. From what I could see, there were at least six men standing guard, each one of them looking like a cross between a secret service agent and a club bouncer. While I hated to admit it, the extra security did make me feel safer, especially since I was so new to all of this.

I slipped off my black heels and pulled my legs underneath me as I waited for Rogue to return. I leaned my head against the window and watched the people standing outside the club. It was a busy night butSinners,being the premier club in the city, was busy every night. When I worked at the hotel, I heard lots of talk about the club and its owner. I never imagined I would have become so entangled with him.

The rain had slowed to a misty drizzle, but that didn’t deter the people waiting in line to get inside. The windows in the car were growing foggy and I took my hand and wiped it clean so I could see better. Then I sat up quickly. Was that?

A woman was on the opposite side of the street. She was wearing a green coat. Allison often wore green and had a green coat that looked a lot like that one. While I couldn’t see the woman’s face, she was the same height and build as my friend.Could Allison have traveled to Chicago to find me?I had not tried to call her back since our last conversation, and it would be just like her to rush here and try to bring me home herself. I quickly put my shoes back on and opened the car door, ready to dash across the street.

Stephen, our driver, quickly intercepted me. “Mrs. Delaney! You can’t leave the car.”

I tried to move around him. “I think I saw my friend over there across the street. I have to see if it is her.” I pushed against him and tried to go around again, but now there were more of them. “Ok, this is ridiculous. You are supposed to be watching over me not holding me prisoner. I am just going across the street to see if the lady in the green coat is my friend from Colorado. Now move aside before she gets so far out of my sight that I can’t find her.”

My speech sounded much more powerful to my own ears than it did to theirs since none of them moved. I huffed out a deep breath. “Fine, I will do this your way.” I pushed hard against Stephen who was surprisingly easier to move than I expected. Once I saw a hole in their ranks, I bolted, only to be grabbed around the waist and hauled up against a strong muscular chest. I knew immediately who held me without seeing his face.

“Let me go!”

The arm that was around my waist tightened like a band of steel as he lifted me off my feet to pull me back over to the car.

“What the hell are you trying to do, Angel?”

I kicked my feet out hoping to connect with something, but all I managed to do was kick the side of the car, causing me to shriek in pain.

“Stop fighting me!”

His voice was harsher than I expected and for some unknown reason, whenever he used that commanding tone with me, I had the urge to comply. It was the most irritating thing.

“Let me go! I may still find her.”

He set me down on my feet but spun me around so that I was pressed between his body and the car. “Who? Who are you trying to find?”

What fight I had in me was quickly dissipating. “Allison. I saw a woman across the street who looked a lot like Allison. It could be her. She was wearing a green coat that looked a lot like the one Allison wears frequently. She must have come to Chicago to find me when I didn’t return her call.”

Rogue still held me against him with one hand while he reached into his pocket with the other and took out my phone. “Call her.”


“Call her. If your friend is in Chicago, call her. Make certain before you run off into the darkness chasing after someone you don’t know. If she is here, I will help you find her.”

I eagerly grabbed the phone and dialed her number. It rang, but Allison didn’t pick up. I immediately tried again. “Why isn’t she answering?”

Rogue continued to stand in front of me preventing any opportunity I might have to bolt free.

“I know it was her. Why didn’t you let me go to her?””

“If it was your friend, we will find her once she answers the phone and tells us where she is. Call her again.”

I rolled my eyes and dialed the number; I was just about to hang up when I heard Allison’s voice. “Allison? Where are you?”