Chapter Fourteen
Leaving Bri behind in the car, looking flushed and entirely too desirable, was harder than I had anticipated. But tonight, I didn’t want her in the club. She was still too anxious and scared of the man who had attacked her, and I was concerned that even the mention of his name would cause her to have more nightmares. Tonight, I was to meet with the person responsible for sending the two men to follow us the day I married her at the church. If the man was smart, which I wasn’t overly convinced of, he would give up Tony Galante to save his own skin. But over the years, people have surprised me at every turn with their stupidity. It would be interesting to see how this played out.
When I walked into the club, I immediately saw Blaze leaning against the bar, a waitress in one hand and a class of whiskey in the other. He was whispering into the unsuspecting woman’s ear, no doubt telling her the things he would like to do with her once the club closed.
Every waitress or dancer that was hired atSinnerswas given ample warning about Blaze and his lecherous habits. If they chose to play with fire after that, I considered it their problem. He was a player, as we all were at one time, but Blaze was different. He was rough, brutal, and uncaring, but for whatever reason, the women he lured into his bed could never get enough. Unfortunately for them, Blaze only slept with a woman once. It was a rule I had never known him to break, no matter how hard a woman tried to attract his attention again.
As I got closer to the bar, he lifted his head, grabbed one more handful of ass, then strode my way.
“Where’s the little one? Don’t tell me you tired of her already.”
I took a minute to look around the club. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. “Hardly. She is waiting in the car. I want to keep her as far away from any conversation concerning Tony Galante as possible.”
He nodded in understanding. “Well, she may be waiting awhile.”
My eyes narrowed at this unwelcome news. “He is not here?”
“No, but I have already sent men to retrieve him.”
“You know where he is?”
The look on Blaze’s face was one of frustration. “You had two of our men follow the two idiots from the other day. They went straight to their boss, if you can call him that. His name is Petey Guzman.” His lips lifted slightly. “Not exactly the name you would expect a wanna-be drug dealer would have. Since I was afraid he wouldn’t have the balls to face you tonight, I sent a crew to stake out his hangout.”
“His hangout?”
“Yeah, he runs drugs from the bar down the street from his apartment.” He shook his head again in disgust. “I still can’t believe we are dealing with someone so inconsequential. It’s ridiculous.”
I nodded toward the bartender to fix me a drink. “We aren’t going into business with him. I just want to know how he knows Galante and where the bastard is hiding. After I have the information I need, he will be useless to me. What he is willing to share will determine how much mercy he receives. Not showing up for a meeting with me is not the best way to get on my good side, especially considering I have Bri in the car.”
A deep humorless laugh came from Blaze as he welcomed the promise of violence, but just as quickly, his smile faded as he narrowed his gaze. I turned to look back toward the door to see four of my men practically dragging poor Petey behind them. They came to a stop before us, and I could see that the man was sweating profusely. His eyes were red and bloodshot, not certain if it was from crying or if he had snorted his own product before my men showed up to take him.
“Where do you want us to take him, boss? To the suite upstairs or the office?”
I stepped closer, my imposing presence sending shivers of intimidation over the man cowering before me. “Take him to the office, he doesn’t deserve the luxury of the suite.”
Petey raised his head and the strong smell of cheap whiskey and sweat swirled around him. “I don’t know nothing, Mr. Delaney. I swear.”
My reaction was swift. I wrapped my hand around his throat, squeezing until his eyes bulged and his air was cut off. Spittle and foam began to form on the corners of his lips.
“Lying to me is a mistake. Do so again and I will gut you myself and sit back and watch you writhe in pain for hours with a smile on my face before death comes for you.”
“Watch out, Rogue.” Blaze’s voice caused me to release my hold. “He is pissing his pants. Don’t want it all over your shoes.”
I stepped back in disgust. “For Christ’s sake. Take him to the office.”
I walked over to the bar where a glass of bourbon was waiting for me.
Blaze came up behind me. “You want me to handle this? For once, I think I may have more patience than you.”
“It’s not patience I am lacking, it’s restraint.” I turned up the glass and drank, hoping the liquor would have a calming effect on me.
“I will send a few more men to watch over the little one. Then I suggest we go to the office and get this shit over with. You aren’t the only one that has pussy on the brain tonight.”
I looked back to where the waitress from earlier was watching us. “Why does it always have to be the women that work here?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t blame me because the waitresses you hire can’t get enough of me. Besides, if I remember correctly, you married the last woman you hired to work here.”