Page 57 of Fiercely Protective

“Blaze called me this morning. It seems that not only are you determined to piss off one of the world’s most dangerous hitmen, but you seem to have gotten the attention of a young Armenian thug as well.”

“I have no problem with Frankie Ballentine, but I have every intention of killing his stepson. You can communicate that information to him if you like. As far as the young Armenian, Petros Sargsyan, he is a threat that can easily be handled. From the information I have gathered, he only has a small number of men who still support him. His family and others in his late father’s organization think he is unhinged.”

I heard Alessio let out a deep breath. “Yes, I had figured that much out myself. And while you may not be concerned with him, I have a few interests in Chicago, and I don’t like hearing that some young punk thinks he is powerful enough to take anything from me. I will be there by the end of the week to assist you in any way that you need.”

“I don’t need you to come here, Alessio. Like I said, Petros is nothing I can’t handle on my own.”

“Yes, I know, but it will give me an excuse to meet your new bride. I have to say, I was more than shocked when Tomas told me the news. I never saw you as the marriage type. You give off more of a playboy vibe than that of a doting husband.”

I knew this was coming. “How the hell did Tomas find out about my marriage?”

“I have my sources too, just like you.”

“It is not what you think. Marriage was necessary to keep her safe. It was not expected to be the love match you have with your Cara Mia.”I didn’t know why the lie fell so easily from my lips. Perhaps I didn’t want to admit my deepest feelings even to myself. “I am assuming Tomas will be arriving with you.”

“Yes, Eden will be traveling with me as well, and I don’t travel with her unless I have added security. I know you aren’t suggesting I leave her with Blaze again, not after last time. Besides, she is anxious to meet the woman you were so interested in protecting that you forced her to marry you. I suppose they have something in common.”

I took another sip of my coffee. “I will make preparations for you.”

“No need. I will see you in a few days. If something changes and you need assistance earlier. Call.”

I didn’t bother to respond. Alessio may be as cold and as dangerous as any of us, but his friendship was true. And since friends were rare in our circle, I valued it.

When I walked out of the kitchen, I found Bri looking exceptionally sexy in a black dress and matching heels, but her face was solemn, and I wondered if she was still worried about Tony Galante or if it was something else.

The conversation I had with Alessio came to mind. I had told Bri that she was mine, that I would protect her, keep her, and that no other man would touch her, but I had nevermentioned …love. To be honest I wasn’t certain if I was capable of love. It had not crossed my mind. I knew Alessio was deeply in love with his Cara Mia, but I had always thought that was a rarity for men like us.

“You look stunning, Angel.” I took a step forward, but she retreated a step, brushed her hair back, and looked down.

“I am sorry it took me longer to get ready than I expected.”

I tilted my head to the side wondering about the softness in her voice and the way she seemed suddenly uneasy with me. We had just spent the past two hours in bed where she had been far from reserved.

“What is bothering you, sweetheart?”

“Nothing, I’m fine.”

She looked away, and I knew at that moment she was lying. I could see in her eyes that she was hiding something from me. But if we didn’t leave soon, we would be late meeting Michael for dinner. I took her hand and raised it to my lips. “I had planned on taking you around Chicago and showing you the city today. I’m sorry we didn’t make it out of the bedroom. Let me make it up to you. Is there something you have always wanted to do while in Chicago but haven’t had the opportunity?”

I watched as her eyes met mine and for a minute, I thought she wouldn’t answer.

“I have never been to the Field Museum. When I was a little girl, I read about it at school and when I got here, I thought about going but never had the time or the money.”

I moved quickly before she had a chance to back away from me again and took both of her hands in mine. She tried to look away again.

“Look at me, Angel!” When her eyes turned back to mine, I leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. “Tell me what is bothering you and I will fix it.”

She looked down and pulled her hands from mine. “Shouldn’t we be going?”

I nodded and wondered what the hell had happened to make her look so melancholy. She stepped into the elevator and while she didn’t move away from my touch, she didn’t exactly melt against it either. When the doors opened, Blaze was waiting for us, and I saw a smile play on her lips when she saw him.

“Will you be joining us, Blaze?”

What the fuck?!Since when did the two of them get so chummy?

“No, little one. I avoid these dinners.”

“Why? Do you not like Father Michael?”