His hands slid deliciously down my arms. “Tonight, I want you to discover new feelings. I will hold back my own ravenous desires to allow you to discover your own.”
His warm moist breath caressed my ear as his fingers continued to burn a path across my skin and despite the way he made me feel heat wherever he touched, I still couldn’t stop my body from shivering.
“You are nervous, Angel.”
I shook my head wanting to deny it, but inside I knew he was right. But it wasn’t fear. It was my reaction to his touch. He made me feel things I had never felt before and it made me uneasy. But I wanted to yield to the burning sweetness.
He took my hands in his and electricity seemed to pass through me. “Come with me, Bri. Allow yourself to trust me.”
I took a step, allowing him to guide me. When he stopped moving, he placed his hand on my shoulders and turned mearound. The back of my knees hit the soft plush comforter on his bed.
I reached behind me, placing my hands on the bed before scooting back.
“Now, lie back.”
I did as he instructed, strangely aroused by the timbre of his voice.
I felt the mattress dip as he climbed on the bed; while I was blindfolded and couldn’t see, I knew he hovered above me.
His fingers dipped just under the waistband of my panties, sending involuntary tremors of arousal through me before he pulled the silky lace down my legs agonizingly slow.
“Since the first time I had you in my arms, I have taken what I wanted, what I needed, what I craved. Tonight, I want you to tell me what you want. Tonight is about your desires, your cravings.”
I reached for the blindfold, but he grabbed my wrist. “No. Tell me, Angel. What do you crave? What do you want me to do to you? Where do you want me to touch you, to kiss you?”
“I don’t know.”
“Yes, you do. I have already felt your desire, tasted it. Where should my fingers touch you next?”
I shook my head, self-conscious, nervous, but still longing for something. A part of me hated that he was putting me in a position where I was so uncomfortable while a bigger part of me felt an excitement like nothing I had ever felt before.
“Say something, Bri. Where shall I touch you next?”
“My breasts.”
“Hmmm, excellent choice.” His hand slipped behind my back and unsnapped my bra before he pulled it free. I was naked now, completely exposed. He outlined the tips of my breasts with his fingers before cupping them, and I forgot any shame I might have felt. My back arched as the backs of his fingers moved over my nipples, causing them to harden.
“What now, Brielle? Should my fingers explore elsewhere or would you like my mouth to join in our little game.”
“Your mouth.”
As soon as the words passed from my lips, I felt his tongue flick over me. The sensation was arousing, and I wanted more, needed more. “More.”
He took me fully into his mouth, his teeth nibbling along the side of my breast before sucking harder on my nipples. “My fingers are bored, darling. Tell me what I should do to keep them occupied while my tongue is happily feasting on your tits.”
“Touch me.”
His deep chuckle reverberated through me. “I plan on it, but where sweet angel, do you want to be touched?”
I shook my head. I couldn’t ask him to do that. I couldn’t say the words.
“Come now, Angel. Where?”
“Just do it. Why do I have to say it?”
“Because I want you to be able to express all of your desires to me.” He took one of my hands in his and pressed a kiss to my palm. “If you can’t speak it, show me. Take my hand and show me.”