Father Michael stood from his seat, his eyes narrowed in disapproval and censure. Rogue moved closer to hand me a bottle of water.
I took the water from him and felt the backs of his fingers glide over my cheek.
“Feeling better, Angel?”
I sipped the water slowly. “As good as can be expected. I don’t suppose you have any other surprises like this for me today.”
“Don’t sound so melancholy, love. I have plans for later that you will enjoy, but I don’t wish to discuss them in front of my priest. But before that, tonight, we have a society function to attend. The mayor is expecting us and there will be other government officials present. It will be the perfect venue to make an official announcement regarding our spontaneous marriage.”
He then turned to Father Michael. “Thank you again, Michael.”
Father Michael nodded. “I wish you both happiness.” He held out his hand for me and helped me to my feet. “For what it is worth, I hope that you can forgive me, Brielle.”
“Thank you for the conversation. I hope we have another opportunity to speak again.”
Rogue took hold of my arm and pulled me toward him. “Michael talks too much, but you will see him again. We have a standing dinner engagement once a month.”
Another infectious grin ruffled the corners of Father Michael’s mouth. “Don’t hype it up.” He looked over at me. “Rogue joins us for a spaghetti supper once a month. Proceeds feed the less fortunate and it also provides funds for the children’s choir. Rogue is a generous donor.”
Rogue’s features were set in irritation. “You are talking too much again, Michael. If she listens to your nonsense for much longer, she will think I am some sort of philanthropist.”
Father Michael ignored him and moved once again toward me. “I was very happy to meet you, Brielle. And I am sincere when I wish you well.”
“It was an unusual way to meet someone but thank you for your kindness.”
Rogue slipped his hand into mine and began walking out of the church to the car waiting for us. The driver opened the door, and I slid into the back seat with Rogue following behind me.
Once the door was closed, he placed his hand on the back of my neck, his thumb gently stroking my skin. “Your coloring isbetter, but you are still a bit pale. Tell me the truth, you aren’t about to faint or get sick, are you?”
I sighed, still in somewhat of a state of shock. “No. I don’t know how to feel, but I am not going to faint or throw up all over your car if that’s what you are worried about.”
His hand came down possessively on mine. “I don’t give a fuck about the car. I was worried about you. I know this was a shock, but it is the best way for me to make certain no harm comes to you. I’m glad you are feeling better.”
I lifted my chin, meeting his sensual gaze straight on. “I know this is an arranged marriage, a dupe to trick your enemies into believing I am more than what I am. Maybe it is the best way you can think of to protect me, regardless of how bizarre it sounds. Whatever it is, it’s not real.” I hoped my voice sounded more confident than I felt.
I watched as his face darkened and his eyes turned serious as if he were accepting a challenge. He moved quickly, wrapping his hand in my hair and jerking my head back enough to make a soft gasp escape my lips. “Stop! Stop trying to deny what you feel for me, Bri. You are my wife now, not an actress playing a part, not a game or trick to throw my enemies off guard. My wife, Bri! And if you are still in doubt, tonight I will make you a believer.” He pressed his lips to mine, his kiss brutal, hard, and painful. When he released me, my lips were swollen and stinging from his assault.
“My driver will take you back to the penthouse. Blaze will be waiting to escort you. I thought you might like some time to relax before the evening.”
I turned toward him and felt a slight tremor of fear at being left alone. “Where are you going?”
He looked behind us. “I’m going to find out why that car, the one parked three cars back, has been following us this morning. I want to find out why they are still here. Then I have some legitimate business to take care of. I will meet you back at the penthouse later.”
“But…won’t confronting those men be dangerous?”
His grin even looked deadly. “For them, it will be.”
He gently pulled me toward him and placed a softer kiss on my cheek. “I was hoping to spend more time with you today and show you more of the city, but I promise to make up for it later.”
I didn’t know what to say. The way his kiss could turn from brutal to gentle in such a short time, the feel of his hand at the back of my neck, before it was cruel, now it was surprisingly comforting.
He opened the car door and stepped out. I quickly turned to watch from the back window as he strode purposely toward the car he had mentioned as my driver pulled away from the curb. I wanted to see what would happen, but the driver made a turn that prevented me from seeing anything else. I turned back around and clasped my hands together on my lap, trying to contain my nervousness. Would I feel this fear for the rest of my life, or would I become so numb to it that it would be the new normal? How ironic that I left Colorado out of fear, afraid of the violence that I had been exposed to and now I was drowning in something much more deadly, much more sinister. But thistime, there was nowhere to run. Nowhere Rogue wouldn’t find me. This time I would not escape from it.
Chapter Nine
The dark gray sedan first caught my attention as we were leaving the restaurant after the meeting with Nik, and I was aware that it stayed a consistent three car lengths back as we drove to the church. It did not take long for me to be certain that we were being followed, but whoever it was, they were not professional. The person driving was an amateur, making them very easy to spot. I was confident it wasn’t anyone connected to whoever was behind the Armenian threat or any other crime family I was aware of; they were too sloppy, too easily noticed. I had texted Blaze to let him know about the situation and he had immediately said he would take care of it, but I called him off. I needed him to return to the penthouse and be there to escort Bri and protect her until I could deal with other business matters. I would handle this myself.