She rolled her eyes. “Hardly, but surely you aren’t going to leave me here like this.” She tugged on her arm again as if to remind me of her predicament.
“But if I let you free, how can I be certain you will still be here when I get back? My guess is that you will run as soon as possible.” I reached up and gripped her wrist that was cuffed to the bed.
“You can’t be serious! What if there is an emergency…a fire or armed intruders? I would have no way to save myself.”
I laughed at her, which caused her to reach across her body with her free hand and try to hit me. “Fine, I will release you, but it will cost you. If I do you a favor, I will expect one in return.”
“Releasing me from where you have me handcuffed to your bed isn’t exactly a favor. You are only righting a wrong that you inflicted upon me.”
I shrugged my shoulders. “Well, if that is how you feel…” I stood from the bed and started walking to the door.
“Wait!” There was a shrill urgency to her voice.
I glanced over my shoulder. “Yes?”
“You win. If you will release me, I promise to not run away.”
I turned back to her and leisurely strolled over to the bed, fighting the urge to push her skirt higher and part her legs so I could taste her. “Not good enough. I can easily make assurances that you won’t be able to leave the building. I want something else.”
Her fierce stare nearly burned and if looks could kill, I would have already burst into flames.
“Fine, what favor do you want?” Her nostrils flared with fury.
“When I return, I want you to share my bed with me. Willingly.”
“Are you insane?” Shock seemed to cause the words to become wedged in her throat.
I turned back toward the door, ignoring her comment.
There was the urgency again.
“I don’t have time to wait, Bri. I should have already left. The business I must attend to is quite urgent,” I replied impatiently.
“I’m sure you can spare me a minute or two.” Her voice dripped heavy with sarcasm.
I looked at my watch. “You have one minute to convince me.”
“If I agree to share your bed, does that mean you will expect me to…you know.”
I frowned as I took a step closer. “It means that I want you in bed beside me.”
She glanced over at the handcuff on her wrist. “I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea. I do not want to have sex with you.”
My eyebrows had risen as I watched her. “Times up, Angel. I will see you when I get back.”
“I’ll do it! Just please don’t leave me here like this.”
I walked over to the bed, took the key from my pocket, and released her. She rubbed the red and raw marks on her wrist while looking up at me.
“You don’t have to worry, Angel. I would never force myself on you. I simply want to share my bed with you. If anything, other than sleeping occurs, it will be because you want it as much as I do. Perhaps you will even instigate it.”
“Don’t hold your breath.”
I reached out and let my finger glide over her cheek. “Get some rest. I don’t know how long I will be.”
When I walked out of the bedroom, I grinned as I locked the door behind me. I heard her yell my name. While I was willing to release her, I was not stupid enough to give her complete freedom. I knew she would try and find a way to leave the penthouse if I didn’t lock her in the room, but I did get her to agree to share my bed, and I cursed Blaze for disturbing what could have been a very pleasurable evening.