Page 11 of Fiercely Protective

He raised his hands in the air in defeat and stepped back. “Hmm, I’m impressed. Your will is stronger than I thought it would be. But it’s too late to back out now. Know this, Angel, your resistance only makes me want you more. I will tear down any walls you build to keep me away. I never lose and I have never not gotten what I truly wanted.” He stepped back and looked me over from head to toe. “There are a few other places Steven will take you to and then return you to the club. Wear this dress tonight, we will be entertaining business associates.”

“Mr. Delaney.”

He arched his eyebrows. “I would like to discuss something else with you.” I pointed to the assortment of lingerie on the table. “I don’t think you should be purchasing things like this for me.”

He shrugged his shoulders. “To be honest, I prefer you not to wear them at all. That dress, with no panties, hmm.” His eyes darkened with desire. “That would please me and isn’t that the whole point of this position? So, if wearing nothing at all underneath your dresses makes you happy, by all means, go right ahead, Bri. It will just save me time.”

I narrowed my eyes at the comment and put my hands on my hips, but before I could respond, his eyes turned serious, and he gave me a look that made my blood turn cold.

His hand came up and gripped my chin firmly forcing me to look up at him. “Don’t think of running away, Bri. I meantwhat I said. There is no backing out or escape now. I will expect you at the club by ten. Steven will drive you, and if there is anything you need, let him know. Anything else you purchase will be on my accounts. Do you have any questions?”

I shook my head too stunned to think.

“Very well, have fun spending my money, and I will see you later atSinners.”

He stepped out of the dressing room, leaving me alone again, and I couldn’t help but think that I might have made the biggest mistake of my life, and if my fears turned out to be true, I had no idea what would happen next.

Chapter Three


I looked down at my watch for the third time, wondering if Bri would defy me right away by being late or if she was foolish enough not to come at all. Having second thoughts about what I had offered her this morning was foreseeable. She was nervous, afraid, unsure of what she had agreed to, and her fear roused something in me. It excited me more than anything I had experienced in a long time.

Steven had kept me informed throughout the rest of her day and had sent me a text as soon as the car pulled up in front of the club, but Bri had yet to appear. I watched for her, eagerly waiting to see her transformation. Thoughts of her had distracted me most of the day. I had imagined her wearing the new designer clothes I had purchased for her and me taking them off later when I had her all to myself. An image of her lying naked on my bed popped into my head, and I narrowed my eyes as I continued to watch the door for her to make an appearance.

Blaze was entertaining my guests upstairs in my private suite, and I was anxious to join them. I took out my phone to call Steven to see what the hell was keeping her when I finally caught a glimpse of my sweet little obsession as she moved through the crowd. The mass of people parted for her and rightly so. She was stunning. The dress I had selected for her to wear tonight hugged the curves of her body and showcased her extra-long firm legs. Her hair was styled in long chocolate-colored locks down her back. She was every man’s vision. A fantasy that could easily drive a man to madness.

As she walked through the crowd toward me, a guy stepped in front of her blocking her path. I watched as she glanced at me over his shoulder and then gave him a small smile. The monster inside me roared and a fierce possessiveness surged through me. My hands clenched into fists, but I maintained my control until she made to move around him until he made the dangerous mistake of reaching out and grabbing her wrist to keep her from moving past him. That I would not tolerate. Nobody touched her, nobody was allowed to put their hands on what belonged to me.

I stepped forward quickly, gripping his hand and yanking it away from her. “Do not touch her again, and if you value your life, you will get the fuck out of my club.”

For a minute, I thought he would disregard my warning. I leveled my gaze and let my eyes communicate what would happen if he didn’t decide to back off. He must have sensed the danger and his courage quickly melted away. He held up his hands and backed away. I nodded toward one of the club bouncers who would make certain that he left the premises and was not allowed admittance again. I did not have a forgiving nature and touching my angel was unpardonable.

I turned to see her standing just a few feet away, her arms crossed over her chest and a disapproving look on her face. “That was uncalled for. I could have dealt with him myself, and you really should stop acting as if I belong to you, I only work for you…whatever this arrangement is between us, it is strictly professional. I don’t need you following me around wreaking vengeance on anyone that talks to me.”

This was not the time or the place to discuss the fact that, yes, she did indeed belong to me; she signed a fucking contract to that effect. She had just not accepted it yet.

“Wreaking vengeance is kind of my thing, Angel, and he didn’t just talk to you, he grabbed your wrist and tried to prevent you from walking past, and you are late.”

Her look of censure immediately turned contrite. She shifted from one foot to another. “It wasn’t Steven’s fault, so don’t do anything like fire him or something. I was waiting out in the line too nervous to come inside. I still don’t think this is right for me. You haven’t told me what I am supposed to do, other than being the girl on your arm for the night, and the only job training I have received so far is learning how to swipe your credit card.”

I stepped closer to her, close enough that I could smell her perfume. God, I needed this meeting to be over with so I could have her all to myself. “You are worrying again, Angel. And what’s this about you waiting in line? Darling, you don’t wait in line…anywhere. You don’t wait for anything. Not anymore. Come with me.”

I took her hand, interlaced my fingers with hers, and walked toward the stairs as I sent piercing glares to anyone stupid enough to look in her direction.

We took the stairs toward my private suite. When we entered, I watched as every eye in the room feasted on her. The hungry looks and grins from the other men caused me to feel very protective. I had an almost overpowering urge to claim her before them all, to mark my territory, to brand her. It was unsettling. I was still holding her hand, so I raised it to my lips to press a kiss to it before releasing her.

I walked purposefully toward the table where Blaze was already sitting with Nickolai, and I motioned for Bri to have a seat on the other side of the room while I conducted businessand got some answers from the Bratva leader. I wasn’t sure she was prepared to know the types of businesses I was involved in or the dealings I had with the Russian mafia.

“Blaze said you had some information for me. Tell me what you know about the man in town. He claims to be Russian, but we both know that can’t be true. Why would he be here drawing attention to himself and causing trouble in my city?”

Nickolai Volkov glanced at Bri before turning his icy blue stare to me from across the table. We have been friends and business associates for many years now; however, he still regarded me with caution. It was the way of the Bratva and as the leader of the Volkov Bratva, he had to always be on alert. He was flanked by two of his men while another three were in the room standing along the glass windows where they could watch and vigilantly monitor the activity in the club. I’m certain there were more downstairs, mixing in with the crowd.

Blaze sat beside me and watched all of them carefully. That was the thing with Blaze, he never fully trusted anyone.

Nickolai raised an eyebrow at my request. “The man you speak of is not associated with any family that I am aware of. He most likely isn’t even Russian. Possibly just someone foolish enough to run his mouth hoping people will think he has powerful connections.” He shrugged his shoulders. “But using the Bratva name, especially when you aren’t Bratva, to intimidate people is signing your death warrant. If it continues, we will handle it.”

“The man is in my city, making trouble in my territory, since he is not Bratva, I will handle it myself.”