“The guests will love your spontaneity.”

“Ugh.” She undoes one of the bags I packed, takes each of the items out, seems to forget why she did it, and puts them all back. “No one loves my impulsiveness.”

“Says who?” I try to keep the edge out of my tone and fail. My mate has obviously been critiqued by the worst ghouls from the foulest pits of a hell dimension.

She waves a hand as if gesturing toward a packed crowd although we’re still alone other than the soul guardian who adores her. The toy unicorn I rigged the slot machines to win her isn’t even powered up and parading around since it wore out its magic prancing through the suite earlier. “Everyone,” she says.

“Not me. Not Montejanus,” I add. “What other worries do you have so we can take them away? Other than my family trying to kill each other and entire worlds at risk if the royal asshole decides to portal in the wrong monsters.”

“Well, when you put it like that, my problems don’t seem so bad.”

“Then it shouldn’t be hard to tell them to me.”

She trails her fingers over shiny bows and ribbons she began curling earlier before promptly walking away mid-task. “What if I lose things midway through the party? Important things.”

“Shadowvale will magic them to you if you only ask. What else?”

“I lose track of time, and…”

“That’s why they come to you. Welcome to royalty. You can neither be early nor late, no matter when you arrive. You’re always on time because your presence sets the time.”

“What if I space out during the party? They’ll make fun of you having a mate who daydreams instead of entertaining.”

“No one would dare as I would remove their tongue if they speak ill of you, and it’s not your job to entertain them. It’s quite the other way around.”

Val touches my arm, and now I’m the one distracted. “What if a portal opens? Or your mother shows up?” She sounds equally concerned with the latter as the former.

“I’ve warded the suite with the toughest protection spells available to supernaturals. Ora, your alchemist friend helped, and I spent a fortune on upgrades from witches, druids, and a cantankerous dragon. No one will be able to come in unless they have your express invitation.”

“Even family?” she asks.

“Especially family. What else?”

“Why does your mom hate me?” Her voice is so quiet that Montejanus nuzzles against her, morphing into his mongoose form so she can snuggle him.

“Could be it’s not personal.”

“It sounded pretty personal.”

I nod because she’s right. “I’ll find out what she’s up to.”

“When I met her, she said I would be the death of the hell dimensions if I trapped you into completing the mating bond.”

“Okay, then I’ll definitely make her tell me whatever her issues are. We good now?”

“No. You agreed we were in this together. So why do I get stuck playing with sheet masks and mascara while you’re out taking on your mom and saving the world? I mean I adore make-up and can’t wait to try all the sheet masks Shadowvale magicked me, but I should be doing more.”

“You already do plenty.” I can’t stop replaying the image of her gorgeous face when she came last night. Or how shepromptly passed out from the post-adrenaline crash. Mating magic, my venom, and teleporting took too much from her.

“Oh yeah?” She’d pull off the badass look her tone suggests she’s going for if she didn’t have a mongoose squished against her tits in a hug. “Like what?”

“Healing me so I can fight again. It’s been less than twenty-four hours, and my cuts are closed, my ribs mended, and the acid burn gone.” I don’t mention how it confirms I was right about us being fated mates. Of course I was right.

Her gaze flicks over my bare chest, and I enjoy the flush that crawls up her cheeks. Perhaps I’m not the only one remembering last night. “I’d rather you avoid needing to be healed all together. Can’t you stay here tonight to make sure you’re okay before going out to do whatever it is you won’t tell me about?”

I tug her to me with my tail, wrapping her in my wings. Montejanus takes the hint and leaves us alone. Smart soul guardian. I might forgive him for trying to take over half the bed if his absence will help me score another taste of Val. I pull her closer. “Care to persuade me?”

“You sound awfully sure of yourself.”