Dread chases the embarrassment, and I want to beg him to stop whatever production he’s planning. No good can come from pitting demon royals against one another for any prize, no matter how slight.
“For the crown,” he says.
No. He wouldn’t. The kingdom isn’t a trophy to be won in some stupid contest. A ruler needs to train for decades. As I have. Ashehas trained me.
My father lifts his chin, his massive horns throwing shadows along the floor to impale my own—as his words have done. “Whoever takes the traitor’s head will win the throne.”
Shouts go up around me, the roar dull in my ears. Even the flames shine dimmer in my darkened vision. The thickness in my throat threatens to swallow my hopes along with the bile coating my tongue.
I’ve losteverything.
I don’t realize I must’ve spoken the words aloud until Val takes my hand. How can she stand to touch me now? After all I’ve put her through, and it was for nothing.
My father lifts his claws, quietening the throne room. “The contest begins as soon as the last of you leaves. Since I’ve painted a target on every royal’s back, I suggest you act quickly. You’re dismissed.”
Val squeezes my hand and looks up at me with worry in her beautiful eyes, strength in her slender fingers, and Montejanus at her side. “Let’s go,” she says.
But I can’t move. This isn’t happening. It can’t be real. The possibility that I’ve been stripped of the only thing I’ve lived for? In a matter of seconds? It seems ridiculous. Because, if it’s true, what reason do I have to keep going?
“Theo.” Val yanks me closer, and I’m not surprised to see her other hand clutching her dagger. “It’s not safe here.” I stare at her, watching her mouth form the words and still not fully understanding. “I’mnot safe.”
ThatI understand. My mate’s safety comes before all else. Wrapping her and her soul guardian within my wings, I teleport us back to the suite, attempting again to make the trip as painless as possible for my human. It worked on the way to the Infernal Palace, on the journey to giving up my power.
In the suite, I invoke extra protection wards spelled by Ora and others. Once that’s done, what little energy I had abandons me.
“Come on,” Val urges. “A hot shower helps make everything better.”
My mate’s obsession with cleanliness almost has me smiling. Almost. But I hurt too much. The physical pain of my body is nothing compared to the agony of my pride, my ambitions, my heart.
I let her boss me into downing a healing potion and cleaning up, no matter how badly my cuts sting beneath the water. There’s only so much a simple spell can mend. Sure, the brew can patch the worst of my wounds, but no magic can undo what my father has done.
When I walk out of the bedroom, there’s no sign of Val.
Panic crawls through me.
Has someone breached the wards? Has my family already come to kill me? I almost unfurl my wings and go in search of her when I hear the faint purring.
“Such a good boy,” she croons, and despite my despair, my cocks rise in response.
I round the kitchen counter to find Val sitting on the floor, leaning against the cabinets with her wet hair clipped atop her head. Montejanus crouches next to her in mongoose form, his tail draped over her ankle. He noisily chomps through a dish of nuts, berries, and I don’t want to know what else.
Val spoons ice cream from a pint I don’t recognize from Shadowvale’s weekly stocking. She gives a little moan around the bite that has my blood heating. She’s fresh faced, dressed in black leggings and a slouchy shirt, barefoot and perfect.
The scene is incredibly domestic and cute and completely at odds with what I’ve wanted my entire life, yet right now, I crave the comfort I might have with a fated mate. With Val.
Both she and her soul guardian yank their gazes up to me as if I’m intruding.
“I’ll leave if I’m interrupting,” I say. But I really wish she’d let me stay.
She opens her eyes, the blue making me think of summer skies and tropical oceans where I’d love to watch the sunlight play over her skin and the blonde streaks in her brown hair while I kiss her, taste her, love her.Love her. Where the hell did that come from?
“I’m not sharing my butter pecan.” Her warning comes around a mouthful of creamy sweetness as I’m fighting the sudden stone of emotions in my chest cutting off my air. I can’t love her. Not now. Not when I have nothing to offer her. Not when a kingdom is at stake.
“Theo?” Her voice cuts off my spiral. “You can ask the castle for another pint if it’s gonna stress you out that much.” She drops the spoon into the container with a clunk. “Did I steal this from someone’s home by asking Shadowvale for it?”
The simple question snaps me out of bigger concerns for a moment. “No, I have an account with a human supplier for supernaturals. They take care of the standard orders although I’m assuming they didn’t have the rocket launcher in stock.”
“A girl ordersonerocket launcher, and she never lives it down. I get no respect, right, Monty?” She glances to the mongoose who sits on his haunches with a nut between his front paws, bobbing his head as if in agreement. “Cut me some slack. I didn’t even put the missile thing together, let alone blast anything into bits.”