
“How long will everyone keep staring at us like we’re some kind of religious experience?” I pitch my voice low, leaning close to Theo even if half the supernaturals here can probably still hear me. It doesn’t matter how loud the magical slot machines chirp or the roulette wheels click. Just as the flashing lights dancing along the ceiling don’t distract anyone but Monty. He flies between the rainbow patterns, letting the colors play over the gold and copper of his scales. The rest of the casino stares at my demon prince and me.

Theo glares away the attention in the crowded room. For a moment anyway. He wraps his wings even more tightly around me. “Be glad I sent all the paying guests packing, or we would have ten times as many gawkers.”

“It’s been days since we…you know.”

The heated look he gives me suggests he does indeedknow. “Since I let you out of our bed?” He brushes his lips against my hair, whispering so that his hot breath teases my temple, and I almost beg him to teleport us back to the suite. “Or since wecreated enough mating magic to alter the space-time continuum by indulging in the most incredible fuck in the history of all the realms?”

A blush flames across my cheeks. “You enjoy making me squirm.”

“Better to make you writhe than risk your wrath, Vicious. You’ve worn me out, and I don’t know that I’d be up to fighting you off if you tried to stab me again today.”

I rush to defend myself. “It was an accident. How could I have guessed a little sulfur might turn a Brimstone Bell flower into gold with thorns the size of daggers?”

“Ora must be jealous you figured out alchemy in minutes when she has studied it for centuries.”

“She is not.” I subtly check on my dwarf friend who’s raking in a jackpot of favors and magical artifacts over at the blackjack table.

“Give them some time and they’ll adjust to our mating magic as just another quirk of living at Shadowvale.”

“How much time?” I try not to freak out at all the attention being heaped on us. “The paparazzi moves on from scandals in hours. What’s hell’s timeline?”

“When you’re part of possibly the most powerful couple in existence? With more magic than the king and queen?” He wraps his tail around my waist, smoothing it along my back in a gesture I’m not sure whether is meant to be soothing or sexy. It’s definitely working as both for me.

“Ugh, thank goodness you’ve disinvited most of your family.” His sisters are nearby. Nic is determined to win a toy unicorn to match mine now she’s seen Monty parade it around, and Gilly holds court at the bar with an ogress.

“Don’t forget you made me take in Dupree.” My prince and mate—how freakin’ weird is that last part?—grumps at an epic level when it comes to talking about his cousin.

“He’s not so bad.” I spot Dupree at the craps table leering at a gorgon and hope he knows what he’s getting himself into. “All right, he’s terrible, but in your family, you have to gradeawfulon a curve.” I sigh. “If only I could figure out how to isolate a genetic tracer to identify which of your relatives is the traitor. T, this game of literal thrones might go a whole lot easier with some DNA testing. At least we could stop wondering who did it and who has simply been dragged into this mess the same way you have.”

“Applying human forensic science to demon bloodlines has never been done before. It’s enough you thought to even try.”

“I want to help.”

“Youarehelping.” Theo drags me into his lap as though it’s where I belong.

“I mean actually help. Not bang you into whatever power level up you were meant to have.” I don’t remind him that he hasn’t seen a boost in his magic since we set the bed on fire with inferno-level orgasms. Sure, Shadowvale healed, we have Brimstone Bell flowers everywhere, and I’ve gone from being a jinx to some sort of creation sorcery wunderkind, but Theo’s ability to call fire has remained the same. So much for mating magic being the key to his winning back the crown.

“I’m down to try again as many times as you’ll let me.” Innuendo drips from his tone, and he slips his hand from my knee to my thigh. “I’ll volunteer forallyour experiments in mixing science and magic.”

“You’re volunteering as tribute?” I have no idea if he’ll get the pop culture reference.

“If you’re the prize, I’ll offer myself up however you want.”

Well, damn. Pleasure uncurls low in my belly at the possibility. “Blink me back upstairs, and let’s get this research project started.”

Theo’s grin pops swoon-worthy dimples into his scarlet cheeks. “Happy to oblige?—”

“What have you done?” The shout echoes off the walls like it has been pumped over the sound system, booming so loudly I cringe. It’s a queen’s commanding voice. Worse, it’s the queen of hell’s voice. Theo’s mom has arrived.

“Did you invite her?” I whisper.

“Hell, no.” He scans the room. Nic lifts her hands in confusion, and Dupree settles in as if he means to enjoy the verbal fireworks, but Gilly won’t meet his gaze. He narrows his eyes. “I guess we know who did.”

I squirm to push off his lap, but he holds me tightly, his tail snaking around my leg. She storms toward us, and he doesn’t give her the courtesy of standing.