Val tips her head. “It would probably not be smart to ask for a demonstration.”

“Definitely not,” I say. “Its gas can be poisonous to humans.”

“Of course it can be,” she mutters. “Do your sisters also have magic that’s dangerous to humans?”

I consider hiding their powers and decide against it, figuring my mate will know eventually. Maybe telling her will score me bonus points toward completing the mating bond. “Gilly…well,she can intimidate with a look, and she excels at mind games, but magically, she can’t do anything but teleport.”

“Which is pretty awesome.”

“Still,” I say, “I wouldn’t mention it to her. Gilly’s sensitive about it. Our baby sister Nic has a demon version of earth magic. She can grow thorns, poisonous plants…” Nic chooses that moment to walk in and wave me over. “And it appears she needs me. Have fun making perfume. Ora, try not to blow the place up.”

I join Nic at the bar, taking a seat on a stool where I can still watch my mate. Sure, I have bodyguards stationed outside to keep out anyone but family and those who live here, but I’m not missing the chance to see Val laugh and enjoy herself in my home.

Nic slides onto the stool next to me. “The resident fan club members appreciated the meet and greet earlier.”

“Val enjoyed the company and your plans to host a masking party, whatever that is. Besides, it gave me a break from leading her around the casino floor and stopping to explain each game and its magic.”

“Admit it,” she says. “You just want to impress her. You didn’t have to go into such detail about the enchanted cards or demonic dice. The dealers could’ve done it. But you loved having Val hang on your every word.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” I lie.

“Oh yeah, then why stay beside her talking about stupid charity auction stuff while she played the slots? You could’ve walked off or handed over to staff. We all know you’d already rigged the machines so she’d get the prize she’d been gushing over earlier.”

“She really wanted a spelled unicorn toy.” I’m not spending more time dwelling on why I wanted to make sure she got exactly that. Watching Val stroke the tiny horse’s mane hadbeen worth whatever income we’d lost during her private tour. “And she had questions about the artifact auction. She has a sharp business mind and proposed a few new items to bid on from our elixir beauty bar.”

“Right,” Nic drawls. “You sticking to her side hadnothingto do with how the troll and orc managers stare at her as if she’s the most gorgeous celebrity to ever grace us with her presence.” My youngest sister is far too astute. “I thought the blue-haired sea nymph was going to jump out of the water ballet atrium to give Val her number. Your mate collects admirers wherever she goes.”

“They can look all they like. She’s mine to protect, not to possess.”

Not yet anyway.

Before my next breath saws painfully in between my still healing ribs, an explosion flashes from Ora’s perfumery. Cursing my wards against teleportation on this and every other resort level of Shadowvale, I move with the sole mission of saving Val.



“It’s okay,” Ora bellows. “Everything’s all right. Don’t venture into the smoke until I clear some. There’s no need to panic.”

I am very much panicking, but I freeze, unwilling to charge in when a dwarf with a large supply of explosives has ordered us to stay back.

A massive fan blows the hot pink mist away from the perfume counter.

Val laughs, and the rich sound drags over me like a syrupy wave. I want to yank her away from where she’s perched against the stone countertop and run my hands over her curves.

What the hell was in that potion that blew up? Some kind of lust spell?

Montejanus sniffs the cauldron, his round ears twitching, and the sight of the dreaded soul guardian has me returning to my senses…somewhat.

Apparently, my reaction to Val is all physical and probably completely my own.

“She chose a volatile mix,” Ora says. “But there’s nothing dangerous in it other than a mild stimulant.”

“Like a pheromone?” I ask. “A love potion?”

Both women look at me with a judging stare, and I want the castle to open a floor and swallow me.

“More like the caffeine content of an extra-strong espresso,” Ora explains.