“Anyone else?” I said, slowly searching the faces around me. “Anyone else want to challenge theking?”
My father passed by me, pausing to clasp my shoulder and murmur, “I always knew you could do it.”
I stood taller, bolstered by his confidence in me. Confidence I hadn’t allowed myself to feel until a small, albeit courageous, witch had danced into my life. I returned to her side and drew her close as I faced the crowd again, noting how restless it had become. Not everyone was happy with my surprise announcement. In fact, many of them looked downright livid.
I was losing them. If I didn’t find a way to turn things around soon, someone was going to step out of line. And when that happened, I wouldn’t hesitate to protect my family. Even if I had to fight every last Venturi in this room, I would keep them from hurting those I loved.
At the reminder of what I’d just confessed to Adalyn, I glanced down at her. She was visibly trembling, her brow beaded with sweat as she vacantly stared at the crowd.
Alarmed, I quickly said through our bond,You okay?
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered, still staring at the crowd. “I have to. Ihaveto. I’m so very sorry.”
The crowd grew even more restless, whispering amongst each other, throwing more and more scathing looks my way. Not just at me, but at the rest of my family. AtAdalyn.
My patience snapped.
“Do you know the real reason why you’re all here today?” I thundered, letting my anger boil over. “Because ofher.” I gestured at Adalyn, who was growing paler and paler by the second. “This woman isproofof why this kingdom needs to change. She’s been abused by vampires since the day we were liberated from the curse.If not for her, I wouldn’t have realized howcorruptthis kingdom still is. I’ve made some terrible choices in my lifetime, but over this past week, I’msickenedby what I’ve seen vampires do to those they consider inferior or weaker than them. We’re predators, but we don’t have to act likemonsters.”
“You killed your brother!You’rea monster,” someone from the crowd shouted.
“Troylosthimself!” I shouted back, allowing emotion to fill my voice. “He didn’t just betray his family the day he unleashed the rogues on the world. He betrayed our entireraceby recklessly exposing us. If he’d been successful, we’d all be dead right now. I should have seen how lost he’d become and stopped him sooner, but I was lost too. For most of my life, I’ve allowed myself to do monstrous things, believing I was justified in doing so. But those actions cost me. They cost usall. For that, I deeply apologize. I’ve set a poor example, and I’ve foolishly put this kingdom in danger more than once.”
Slowly exhaling, I continued more calmly, “But my father has always sought to protect this kingdom from the rest of the world, and the recent changes he’s made are only meant to protect it more. World domination isn’t the answer, and neither is enslaving those we considerweak. As your future king, I won’t stand back and allow this kingdom to fall into darkness again. We are better than that. We can peacefully coexist with the rest of the world.”
I looked down at Adalyn again. “To prove it, my first act as king will be to marry this woman. Many of you saw her as an object, as something to conquer and control. She is none of those things. Fate has chosen this courageous witch to be my soulmate, and I in turn have chosen her to be my wife. To be our futurequeen.”
Shouts of outrage erupted from the crowd. Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for, but I wasn’t all that surprised either. I’djust proposed something that had never happened before. We’d never had a queen, the laws stating that only a Venturi female could fill that role. But we’d already changed so many of the kingdom’s rules in the name of progress. What was one more?
If I was to be this kingdom’s king, then I desperately needed a strong queen by my side. I didn’t care that she was a witch who’d once been a blood whore to my people. I only cared that it washer.
Adalyn didn’t even flinch at the growing hostility surrounding us. Her lips silently moved, the bright golden hue of her eyes dulling as they glazed over.
“It’s time, baby girl,” I spoke to her over the shouting and reached up to touch her chin. She flinched this time, her glazed eyes flaring wide.
“No. No, please, no. It can’t be time. I’m not ready!”
At how terrified she sounded, worry filled me. Something was wrong, but I didn’t have time to figure out what.
“Look at me,” I gently encouraged her, tipping her chin up. As those glazed eyes met mine, I slipped off my mask. “It’s time for them to see who you really are, Adalyn. It’s time for them to see whatIsee.”
“Oh, Everett,” she sobbed, violently trembling as she reached up to undo her own mask. “I’m so sorry.”
I smiled softly as she bravely revealed her face to the crowd for the very first time. Tears tracked down her smooth cheeks, and I gently wiped them away.
“It’s going to be okay, Adalyn,” I said. “We’re going to release you from your debt and pactum now. You’ll finally be free. I won’t let them hurt—”
“Everett, watch out!”
Loch’s roar filled my ears just as Adalyn whipped her arm forward, clutching what looked like a silver knife in her hand.
A knife headed directly for my heart.
When the clock struck midnight, everything froze.